Chapter 29

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As we ride the River Styx, the buildings in the distance get taller – bleak, black skyscrapers looming over the water and smothering the dark landscape ahead. The way to them is blocked though by a heavy looking gate that extends across the water. 

Before we can get to it, we reach a long bone-white pier that cuts into the river. Charon anchors the Ferry of the Dead by it and Cupid, Cal, and I are removed from our cages and marched along the decking.

There's an odd shuffle between Charon and Cal for a moment  – I catch it out of the corner of my eye. But then I'm pushed down a ramp after Meg who is already marching ahead – a blade glinting from her belt.

Our hands are still bound in front of us and I stumble forwards. Cupid grabs the back of my leather jacket before I can fall flat on my face onto the ground. He pulls me back into him.

"You OK, lovebug?" His whispered words tickle my ear.

Breathing quickly, I push myself into his body for a moment, feeling his hard torso, and the comforting rise and fall of his chest. I'm cold and I let his warmth spread over me.

"I -" I start.

"To the Courthouse," hisses the blonde Fury – still stood on the ship – cracking her whip through the darkness.

I flinch then look at the concrete block like building ahead – its barred windows looking out like hollow eyes. Meg stops outside it's entrance; it looks like a down-turned mouth - open, and arched- about to swallow us whole.

She turns her head, dark braid whipping over her bare arms.

"Come on." A wicked smile crosses her face. "Your souls won't judge themselves."

Then she marches inside – biker boots clicking against the pier of bones.

I don't move forward. I don't want to go in there. There's something wrong about it – something that makes my stomach clench and adrenaline run cold through my body. And I don't know if it's just because of our imminent torture.

I don't want my soul to be judged. I've seen it, I think. In the center of my mind's labyrinth.

And it is filled with darkness.

Cupid's hand still touches my back and I feel his breaths on my cheek. The air here smells thick and old – like the forgotten air of a mausoleum; but the scent of Cupid's deodorant and the light aroma of pasta sauce from earlier clinging to his pale blue shirt brings me a small amount of comfort.

He smells warm. He smells alive.

I tilt my head back to meet Cupid's gaze, my heartbeat thudding dully against my chest. He gives me a reassuring nod – his expression un-phased even though we're about to enter an ominous building in the Underworld as prisoners of the god of the dead...

Psyche's Heart : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now