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Just dropping in to say. . .


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! * infinity!

Thank you for sticking with me and the cupids for this whole journey. Thank you for your comments. Thank you for your votes. Thank you for just being here.

When I first started writing Cupid's Match I was in a HUGE creative slump. Before Cupid's Match, I wrote a couple of books that I couldn't get published, and the realization that the world of writing and publishing was incredibly difficult hit me. I almost gave up on writing altogether. I had certainly lost hope that I'd ever see one of my books on a bookshelf.

Then – one day - I had a silly idea about Cupid attending high school that I couldn't quite shake!

I decided to write Cupid's Match on Wattpad purely for fun – with no thought of ever actually publishing it. This was a project purely to entertain myself, and to get myself back into writing again. A bit of an experiment, really. I didn't even know if I'd end up finishing it. 

And then the weirdest thing happened. People started to read it!

And then I managed to finish it!

And then - thanks to people asking about sequels -I kept on going!

We now have three books, two spin-offs, and other bonus chapters and bits of content! And Cupid's Match is being published!!! In more than one language!!! What?!?!

Whether you have been with me from the start – back in 2015/16 when I was posting book 1 – or whether you have recently joined us on this journey – you have helped me more than you know! The support, kindness, jokes, endless arguments about which couples to ship, marriage proposals to Cal, the conflicted feelings over Valentine, the love for Cupid, the urges to update quicker, theories, and general feedback kept me writing, smiling, and urged me to revise and re-write and try to get it published. I felt I owed it to you guys, and to the cupids, and to myself, to at least try.

You helped me to believe again in a dream that had started to fade. This series is here because of you. I wouldn't have done it without you.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Every now and again it hits me just how lucky I am to have you all here on this journey with me. And it genuinely makes me emotional. I really appreciate you.

If you'd like your own copy of the published version of CUPID'S MATCH it's available now! I've linked to it on Amazon in my Wattpad profile bio! Click here to be taken to it --->LEPalphreyman

If you'd like your own copy of the published version of CUPID'S MATCH it's available now! I've linked to it on Amazon in my Wattpad profile bio! Click here to be taken to it --->LEPalphreyman

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I'm so excited for you to read the all new version! It has lots of changes and extra bits from the Wattpad version! And look how pretty it is!!!

Psyche's Heart : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now