Chapter 54

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We walk down the school corridor

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We walk down the school corridor. Cal powers ahead – fists by his sides as Cupid walks beside me. Mino's voice is low behind us, murmuring as he speaks on his phone to one of his cop friends – asking them to take Crystal's body to the morgue so we can make arrangements for a funeral once all this is over. I hear Charlie sniffle beside him.

My heart feels so heavy I feel it will fall out of my body. I can't believe this has happened. I can't believe she's dead. None of us talk. What can we say?

When we reach the end of the corridor. Cal turns left – striding purposefully towards the shouting and music that permeates through the doors of the gym and the cupid orchestrated dance.

"Brother," says Cupid, sharply.

To our right is a corridor that leads to one of the school exits. The direction we need to go.

"What's he doing?!" hisses Cupid.

Cal doesn't look back – merely swipes an Ardor arrow out of his quiver.

"Valentine's in the gym," I say.

Cupid curses under his breath. "He's going to wake him. We don't have time for this. And we really don't need Valentine awake right now."

We start to move after him. "Can he wake him?" I ask

"If he hits him with enough torture arrows," says Cupid.

The faint sound of marching feet hits my ears. Cupid and I glance at each other – darkness in his red-rimmed eyes.

"One of the armies," I say in horror.

We quicken our pace as Cal nears the double doors to the gym. Mino overtakes us. He grabs Cal and throws him against the lockers – holding him there by his arms.

"What are you doing?!" hisses Cal, voice like ice as we come into step beside them.

They both have blood smeared across the front of their white shirts – chests rising and falling with ragged breaths.

"You're really going to try and stop him from being tortured?!" spits Cal.

"Quite the contrary, old friend," says Mino. "I'm going to suggest you allow me."

Cal's body stills and he swallows. "What?"

"What is an Ardor arrow when I can break into his mind while he's sleeping?" says Mino. "Allow me. I'll take him back to Cupid's place. I'll make him wish it was you that had gotten to him."

The marching sound is getting louder – thundering boots against the scrubbed school floor – and Mino looks to the side.

"Plus, I believe your friends and your brother need you right now," he says.

"Cal, please," I say.

"The army is here," says Charlie – her voice thick. "Listen."

"She didn't die for the world to end, brother," says Cupid. "We need to get out of here. We need to the Matchmaking Service. Now."

Psyche's Heart : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now