Chapter Three

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03. Come To The Feast They Said, It Will Be Fun They Said

That night Magdelena was too alert to even sit on her bed and read so she opted for organizing every shelve book and medicine alike, she organized them by thickness, then color then decided on alphabetically putting them on the shelf. The door to Merlin's bedroom creaked as he snuck out slipping on his jacket, using magic to keep himself from making noise when something almost fell and even covered Gaius up more with the blanket. She quickly snuck after him following as they made their way through the dark and silent town down towards the cells. 

She watches as he uses magic to get the guards out of the way, before continuing down. She follows but waits as he heads down the dark stone tunnel with a torch, she stays up there for a moment, but he was taking long and she could hear the guards coming so she walked down the tunnel until she heard voices one she knew to be Merlin but the other was unknown, ". . . choose our destiny, Merlin, and none of us can escape it." 

Entering the clearing she could see Merlin and the owner of the other voice, a bronze or golden dragon she couldn't tell the color as it was still dark in the large cave under the castle even with the torch lite, "Hello Magdelena," the deep voice of the dragon says she jumps and freezes at the entrance to the small ledge which Merlin stood on now turned to see her. 

"I-I'm sorry," she says looking down at the floor, "I-I heard guards," she says motioning to the way she had come from, the dragon motioned her forwards, she took a few steps but stopped a foot away from where Merlin stood, she still stood staring at the floor her hair falling in her face.

"I was hoping you followed and came to see me," the dragon says and she looks over at Merlin who was staring at the dragon confused now, "She plays almost a big a part of bringing magic back to Albion as you and Arthur." 

"What do you mean? Her powers, they aren't magic are they?" Merlin asks, his sister wasn't like him, and she was aware of it, always had been in his shadow not that she minded she liked to be in the shadows away from the prying eyes of people. 

"No I was sure you would have figured it out by now," the dragon says thoughtfully as if he never thought he would have to break the news to the girl, "You are powerful, possibly more so than you, young warlock, just in a different way."

"H-how?" she asks staring at him now, her amber eyes stared at the dragon as he nodded his head to her a bit.

"You, my dear, are Death," Merlin chokes on the air he was breathing while she began to shake, shaking her head, "Whether you accept it or not, it is what you are." her legs grow weak and she falls to the floor, her breathing shallow as she gasps for breath, Merlin flinches at the sound of her knees hitting the stone but doesn't move to help her up. As her amber eyes meet his blue ones she sees the fear clear in them, she can feel the pain at making her brother fear her. 

She stands and takes some calming breaths before she looks at the dragon, "How am I meant to help bring magic back to Albion when I am literally the thing that makes people fear magic?" 

"I shall answer your question with a question of my own," the dragon says staring at the still shaking girl, "How do you get someone who doesn't like something to try it?"

"By showing them that it isn't as bad as it may seem," she whispers, "You want me to use my power to show that even the worst power can be used for good?" though it was a question, she already knew the answer to it, and the dragon let out a chuckle. Before bother of them left heading back to Gaius' chambers, she sat on her bed and stared at the wall, while she wouldn't doubt the dragon's words that it was possible to do what he asked, she thought - no she knew - she was the wrong person for the task of helping magic back into Albion.

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