Chapter Nineteen

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19. Shrouded In Death

Arthur stared at a brown-haired man for a while it stayed like that until the brown hair one made a move. Lunging forwards he plunges his sword into Arthur's stomach. Rain pours down as she feels tears fall down her cheeks, she rushes forwards to get to Arthur before he loses his life fully. Jumping down she catches him as he falls, clutching his stomach, she could see the sword he had plunged in the other man as he falls down as well, "Arthur, stay with me." 

"I-I will al-always love-love you Mags," he stutters as the life leaves him and she feels herself absorb his life. 


Magdelena woke up confused, first for having been asleep in the first place but the dream she had as well. As she turned to see Merlin and Gaius staring at her strangely as well she sat up and walked over to him, "What happened?" 

"We woke up to find you asleep," Gaius says carefully before turning to Merlin who seems to hesitate before he speaks. 

"You screamed out for Arthur," Merlin says and she rubs her head as a headache came on baking her rub her temples. 

"I saw him die," she says, "This has never happened before," she explains before shaking her head and leaving heading off to prepare Uther for the day. The entire morning she could not shake the feeling something was wrong, she tried her best to ignore it. But the more she tried to forget it the more she remembered, the more she seemed to think about the Prince. She growls in frustration carrying the laundry for Uther until she ran into something making her and the clothes fall to the floor.

"Sorry, Maggie," the voice of the Prince says making her just throw herself back so she was laying on the floor.

"Screw every abominable bloodsucker!" she cries before sitting up to see the Prince staring down at her with some concern, which helped nothing as she thought of the dream once again, "Pardon me, your highness." She begins to collect the once clean clothes from the slight dirty floor as she mumbles words.

"Let me help," he says going to bend down but she quickly stopped him from moving by holding up her hand and waving him with her hand.

"I am sure you have more important things to do then help me pick up clothes in the middle of a hallway," she says, he could tell there was something bothering her but he didn't know her well enough. 

"I would be glad to take a break," he says sighing as he bends down and slowly begins to gather the clothes near him, "We are hunting for a young boy who is to be executed because he is a Druid." 

She takes a moment before she speaks, "I take it you do not feel as your father does on magic? Or am I misinterpreting your words into something they are not?"

"I have been brought up to hate magic," he starts she stops her work, as he does to staring at the floor as he thinks before he speaks again, "I have seen magic be used in the way of evil, but the Druids are not evil they are peaceful people who want nothing other than peace. Yet here we are hunting down a young boy for no other reason than he is a Druid." 

A small smile graced Magdelena's lips at his words, "One day Prince Arthur you will sit on the throne and when that day comes every creature shall cheer," she says he looks up at her confused by her words, "because you will be a king that Camelot deserves. A king your father could never be."

She quickly gathers the rest of the clothes before standing and leaving, Arthur just knelt there thinking about her words. He tried not to think about it anymore as he continued to gather knights and send them off to find the young druid boy, her words were ringing in his head the entire time.

Even as he knocked on Morgana's door she opened it after a moment, "Arthur! To what do I owe this pleasure?" she asks looking back over her shoulder before smiling brightly at him.

"Don't get all excited. It's not a social call. I'm looking for the Druid boy. I'm afraid I'm going to have to search your chambers," he pushes further into the room much to her dismay, she seemed more peeved and nervous than she ever was.

"You're not searching my chambers," she says sounding almost like her normal self but still something was off about her words.

"Don't take it personally. I have to search the entire castle. Only take a few minutes," he says looking around a bit, shuffling through some of the things in plain sight.

"I'm not having you mess up my things," Morgana snaps at him, yet she was still more nervous than she was normally so she was hiding something. 

"I'm not interested in your things, I'm just looking for any evidence that the Druid boy's in the castle," Arthur says opening her cupboard full of dresses, looking around some more. 

"Perhaps the Druid boy's hiding in your chambers. They're usually such a mess, you'd never know," Morgana says, he stares at her for a moment before he replies defensively.

"It's hardly my fault I have such a lazy idiot for a servant."

"If you can't even find your own servant, what hope do you have of finding the boy?" Morgana asks trying to keep him from really searching her chambers. Hiding the Druid boy is something Morgana would do but do have him in her chambers seemed reckless.

"Really, I'm touched by the confidence you have in my abilities. And, as much as I'd love to stay and talk, the sooner we get started, the sooner we'll be finished," Arthur says rather annoyed to not being able to conduct a thorough search through her chambers.

"Well, I'll save you the trouble," Morgana sasses at the man who was starting to get on her nerves.

"Trust me, if I could find him, I would," Arthur was also growing weary of this bickering between the two of them.

"The Druid boy's hiding behind the screen. I'm sure your father would love to know how you wasted your time by rifling through my things. Go on," she motions to the screen which was closed behind her, he started at it and for some reason, he believed the druid boy might be behind there.

"So you can have the satisfaction of making me look a fool?"

"In my experience, you don't need any help looking like a fool. What are you waiting for? Take a look," she says smirking at him smugly as he stared at the screen before turning to look back at her with a small glare for her comment.

"Why don't you go back to brushing your hair, or whatever it is that you do all day?" Arthur says heading to leave the room and Morgana and her comment alone.

"Bye, Arthur. Good luck with the search!" she calls closing the door behind him and the few knights he had with him who didn't move to search anything themselves.

Magdelena was putting away Uther's clothes at this time, waiting for him to order her to find and kill the druid boy but she hoped he never asked. Even if he did she would try to fight it every step along the way if she was strong enough she might be able to just find him but not tell anyone or kill him. She had been lucky to avoid Uther as he was too busy ordering around his knights and son to search for the boy. She had felt the older Druid leave the world, not needing Death to show him the way.

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