Chapter Thirty-Two

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32. The Future Of Camelot

Magdelena's eyes snapped opened and she gasped for air everything that had happened since she entered the water played through her head, the woman in the hut, the dream, the things she learned. She was once again wet, she could feel her hair sticking to her face, the dress which clung to every part of her body. She missed the creature which was watching her as she looked at the floor before she snapped her head up as her white cloak dropped on her head, "Primara, Ira sent me to take you back through the portal," the creature says, she stands as she stares at the magnificent creature before her.

"What are you?" she asks before clamping her mouth shut, "Sorry, that sounded rude."

"I understand, I am a black alicorn," he says, "I am Gilthunder, and I am Death's alicorn. It is very rare that an alicorn is born, let alone a black one when they learned Death was born on the same day it was fate that I would be yours. I have been waiting for many years to meet you."

"It is nice to meet you as well," she says smiling at the animal, "Though living in Camelot, I am not sure I could keep you in the stables." 

"I can use a glamour to be a regular horse," Gilthunder says bowing his head to her, "Shall we get back to the portal?" 

"Yes, you can tell me what other creatures live here than just the Mermaids, Unicorns, Alicorns, and Pegasus, if you wouldn't mind," Magdelena says jumping onto his back his wing helping her to get up as he began to walk towards the forest. She looked back to see the lake confused as to how she got out of the cave and ended up on the shore but she pushed it from her mind as she listened to Gilthunder who began to speak. 

"There used to be Dragons until Ubel slaughtered all but one of them, e have Wevyrn - a cousin to the dragons,' Gilthunder pauses trying to think of what else they have, "We have Minotaurs but they left centuries ago, Kelpies but they died out before the Minotaurs did. We have Phoenix's but they are a little hard to find, and we have two Thunderbirds, who are trying to continue their race by mating."

"That is quite a list," she says imagining walking through the land spotting each and every creature, "Do you speak of Uther when you say Ubel?" 

"Yes," the arrive at the twisted tree which was still in mortal form, she was shocked to see the forest beyond it was so dark and gloomy compared to the forest that she was in now, "I nearly forgot." 

Gilthunder's horn glowed and suddenly above them was a small white unicorn horn, on a silver chain. It floated down into her hand and she gasped as it seemed to sparkle in her hands, "This will allow you to open a portal in any tree should you need to get here. If you can this portal will always be opened should you need it." 

"Thank you," she says slipping it on before Gilthunder walked through the portal, there was a bright white light before it dimmed and she was in the other forest. She looked down not feeling the light feathers of his wings only to find he had to wings and his horn was no longer on his head. 

"It is just a glamour," he says reassuring her as he began to walk towards the castle it was daytime already and she was unsure how long she had been gone. She got into the lower town and made her way to the palace, and she walked to the stables, she jumped from his back and walked into the stables the owner walking up. 

"Hello lass, whose horse is that?" the owner asks staring at the horse in awe, "The king didn't get another horse did he?"

"No, this one is mine," she tells the man, "I will come care for him when I can but if you could feed and water him with the other horses I would appreciate it."

"After you stood up to the king about me being a wizard, it is the least I could do," he motions her to follow and with her the horse as well, they get to a stable near the Prince's dogs who had a total of three stalls to make sure they had enough room for the five of them, "Hope here is okay. It is the last stall we have."

"No worries, he will be fine," she says petting his head before he walks into the stall, "I will come back later to make sure he is settling in well."

She quickly leaves the stables and heads toward the castle, she walks into Gaius' chambers and is grabbed and pulled into a hug. She can tell it is her brother by the magic coming off him, and the face he was really boney, "Maggie where have you been?" 

"How long have I been gone?" she asks once he released her from his very tight embrace.

"Enough time that we learned it is sorcery, the crops and water are dead the livestock are eaither dead or have been eaten, and the food is running very short," Merlin says not having been counting the days that his sister was missing. 

"Well, I best go see Uther," Magdelena waves her hand before leaving the room and heading to the King's chambers, entering she wasn't shocked to find it was a complete mess, so she took a deep breath and began to get to work. Putting all the dity clothes into a basket and organized the papers on his desk into neat stacks. 

"-find someone to clean my chambers-" he paused as he entered seeing the servant girl behind his desk looking through papers an dseparating them into piles, "Nevermind." he closes the door and walks up to her anger contorted his face as he stopped across from his desk to glare at her.

"Greetings Uther," she says placing the last paper down to stare at him with a bored expression.

"Do you know how long I have been without a servant?" he snaps at her which affects her very little as she walks from behind the desk. He suddenly looks away from her and she was rather confused untill she looked down to find herself still in the white dress. 

"I wasn't counting the days," she says refering to the question he asked before he realized she was wearing very thin, very white, very revealing clothes. 

"Are you wearing a night dress?" he asks walking over to his desk looking at the papers trying to keep himself from staring. 

"No," she says, "Look I get you are a man, and have needs but this I am a servant and you are a king. Stop acting like some deprived commoner." 

"Yes, and you are a woman who is wearing tight, showing white dress," he says gritting his teeth at her words, "Go put some real clothes on. I don't need any knights seeing you like that and getting the wrong idea."

"I can easily explain that you are old enough to be my grandfather and I wouldn't touch you with a lance," she says grabbing the basket of his clothes, "Now I am going to go clean your clothes, don't miss me too much." she says winking over her shoulder before leaving the room. She began to make her way back to her chambers only to run into the Prince and Merlin.

"Why are you wearing a night dress?" the Prince asks which earns a harsh glare from Magdelena, "You really should change, some men might not be as kind as to not stare."

"Uther certainly had a hard time had to fake doing paper work," she says, "Then told me to change so knights didn't get the wrong idea."

Merlin snorted at the thought, "You and Uther, what a thought," he says shaking his head, "I don't want to think about that now. That would make Arthur my nephew!" Merlin began to laugh the more he thought about it.

"Yes, and the Prince would be my son," Magdelena says she stares at the Prince, "Also would make me Queen of Camelot." 

Merlin mockingly bows at her as she sticks her nose in the air, "Queen Magdelena of Camelot," Magdelena bursts into laughter as her and Merlin lean against each other as they laugh clutching their stomachs. 

"This is not a conversation that I want to have nor do I want to think about my father doing anything with you," the Prince says shivering in digust. 

"Then don't think about it," she says before grabbing the basket she dropped, "Better go clean these, and there is another basket that needs to be cleaned."

"That is what happens when you miss like two days," Merlin says pushing her slightly earning a playful glare. The prince sends her a concerned look but she dismisses his look and walks away leaving the two there, Merlin chuckles as he thinks about their conversation, earning a punch on the shoulder from Arthur. 

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