My hopeless crush

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Do you love me?
Such a simple question, but soo hard to tell the answer and to know the answer.

But one thing is clear that answer will be No or yes , not may be or I don't know.

Yes or no can hurt the feeling of someone once but may be or something like that sucks...

As I asked you... But I don't want to hear the answer..
Not because I don't want to know ,I m dying to know but afraid to find out

If i ask you
to listen a song it's because the lyrics are all the words I m afraid to say..

When I am with you I want to freeze the time...
I can wait for you all my life...just scared of one thing that I ll stay being in love and one day u ll leave...

But I don't know if you have same feeling for me. If you don't have.. It's okay Ok, I ll not complain but thank God cuz meeting such a amazing person is a rare thing and I always want to be with you not as a lover but just as a friend..

But if you do feel the same
Just let me know...

And it's an amazing feeling to have a hopeless crush , a feeling you must experience once in a life

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