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I see the sky and the star...
I wondered how I never noticed, how beautiful it is...

I saw you I thought
How can anyone be so flawless....

I want us to go slow and to slowly know each other...

And sometimes we are just friends who get confused sometimes...

I want us to be so close to each other that I can hear the word you are not able to say... and
You can understand my problem without any clue given by me to you...

Now I cant fall asleep.
May be the reality is now better than my dreams...

I dont want to fall in love at first sight cuz I  think its  not true love but just a temporary attraction that we ll fade by the time...

I want to us to fight so that everything is always clear, I want to  have a deeper, more delicate feeling of compassion for you...

And the quintessence is that I am in love with all your flaws and all your imperfections

But our love is a mystery...

To the world and sometimes even to us...

My Complicated MindWhere stories live. Discover now