Chapter 2

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An hour later, I fumble with a set of keys and unlock the door to my apartment. With a sigh of frustration, I lean my shoulder against the  wood, one hand on the door knob. As I turn the knob, I force the door open with a shove. It's not the ideal way to get into my small living quarters, but hey, it's not the end of the world. I've seen much worse. 

I walk past the tattered couch and accompanying coffee table that greets me. A bowl that I used for my early morning oatmeal sits on the dark, flat surface of the table, so I snatch it and drop it off in the kitchen sink as I head into the narrow hallway towards the bedroom. 

I fling the door open and toss my handbag on the bed. I take off my jacket and hang it back up in the closet. Then I reach inside my discarded handbag and pull out my wadded up supersuit. I hold it out in front of me and admire the glittering emblem. I trace the lettering with my forefinger, cool and smooth to the touch. 

Even though I, Helen Truax, have been working as Elastigirl for several months now, every once in a while I find it hard to believe that I'm actually a super now. I had dreamed of utilizing my powers for good for years on end, but for a young woman like myself, it seemed impossible at the time. Instead, I spent the last three and a half years of my life at university, studying to become an accountant. When I graduated last December, I made the risky decision to quit accounting for the time being and pursue my dream.  

I reminisce over the last four or five months. They had been some of the most challenging, yet most rewarding times of my life. I had spent nearly every day seeking any opportunity to chase after criminals or help a person in distress. Many of those days I fell short, either because Metroville was at peace, or someone else beat me to it. It took all of my strength to return the following days in an effort to prove myself worthy of being a super. 

And now my career, although just beginning, is at the highest it has ever been. 

It feels incredible.

Except on days like today. 

With a frown, I refold my suit, and tuck it in my bedside drawer, ready to be pulled out at a moment's notice. I go back out into the living room and switch on the TV as I flop down on the couch. 

I scroll through the channels, but I barely pay any attention to what is happening on the screen. Instead, the events of today invade my thoughts. I replay the scene of the car chase over and over in my head.

What was it that he said again? 

An image of Mr. Incredible materializes in my mind, an air of arrogance about him as his lips form the words, "Consider yourself lucky... I saved you the trouble by dealing with it myself" and "Don't worry, sweetheart, you'll get 'em next time... That is... if you're fast enough." 

I clench my fists at my sides. I know that Mr. Incredible has always had a bit of an ego, but was it really necessary to bring me down in order to boost himself up?

Maybe he just has self-esteem issues, I reason with myself. No, there's no way that's the issue. He  thinks that he's the most 'Incredible' person to ever step foot in this city. 

I pull away from my thoughts and look up at the news, trying to distract myself. Bad idea. 

On the screen is a distorted, two-dimensional version of the man himself. He is being questioned by the press, and I catch him say, "I'm glad I got here on time to stop these criminals. If I hadn't, who knows what would've happened." 

I grit my teeth. I would have stopped them, that's what would have happened.

Would I have stopped them? 

I remember my panicked state after realizing that I had no plan of action. I had frantically searched for a solution, but I had been unable to come up with anything. 

I sigh, dejected. Maybe Mr. Incredible was right. It was he who had saved the day, while I had proved completely  and utterly useless in the whole affair. 

I am interrupted by the shrill ring of the telephone. I pick up and answer as positively as my negative thoughts would allow.

"Helen? Are you there? It's Honey!"

"Honey! It's so good to hear from you again!" I say with genuine enthusiasm. 

Honey and I were good friends in college. We lived in an apartment together for a year and a half, and we graduated together last winter. Honey is now working as an interior designer halfway across town, and I, being busy with hero work, can't make time to pay her a visit, so the only time we catch up is usually over the phone. 

I am especially grateful for this phone call, as to distract me from my self-pitying thoughts. 

"How was work today?" Honey asks over the phone.

"Oh, you know," I start with a grimace. "Same as always. Taxes to file, finances to discuss, all that jazz." Honey doesn't know about my super powers. As far as I'm concerned, Honey thinks I actually use my degree at a small, start-up firm that doesn't actually exist. I feel guilty for lying so frequently to her, but it's for the best. 

We continue talking for a while, and I have to admit, it's nice to do something "normal" after a long day of patrolling the city. It reminds me that I'm still Helen Truax at the core, and Elastigirl is just another part that lives in me. 

"Oh, hey!" I remember. "How's it going with Lucius?" 

"I thought you would never ask," Honey giggles. "It's going wonderfully... He's so charming, and sweet, and boy, is he handsome." 

I find myself laughing at Honey's swooning. She and Lucius met a month ago, and they've been dating for a few weeks now. I was happy for her. Honey deserved a great guy to treat her well. 

We talk for a while longer, mostly about Lucius, until I tell Honey that I have to get going. I check my watch as I hang up. 

7:00. Which means I have an hour to get ready before I have to meet my date. 


Author's Note: 

Hey everyone! Hope you are enjoying the story so far! Just wanted to add this in to tell you guys a few things. 

First: If you've made it this far, thank you so much! This is my first time ever writing and publishing on Wattpad, and I genuinely appreciate the support I have received thus far. I have always been a huge fan of  "The Incredibles," and after seeing "Incredibles 2" (which, by the way, 10/10 would recommend), I was inspired to write a little fan fiction about some of my favorite characters from the movies. 

Second: This is a lot harder than I was expecting. I am trying my best to upload as regularly as possible, but I have a pretty busy life myself, and I don't want writing to completely take over everything. There are other things that are important to me as well :) So, I ask you to please be patient with me. I have no idea how far I plan on taking this, but I'll figure it all out eventually. 

Thanks again for supporting this story up to this point! I hope you enjoy what's in store :) 

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