Chapter 11

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The premiere of the superhero program becomes the hot topic in Metroville for the next several days. Citizens excitedly chat about the special as they walk down the sidewalks, and nearly every single coffee shop, bar, and restaurant has the program playing on their TVs. People just can't seem to stop talking about how great the supers are.

As for me, I can't wait for this buzz to be over. Every time I go out to fight crime or do my rounds, I am inevitably swarmed by fans. Usually, it's only one or two people that catch me on the street. They ask me about my powers or how great it must be to be a super. I politely answer their questions, and most of the time, I can get away pretty quickly. But some days, I am overwhelmed by a large group of people, and they are reluctant to let me go. They gush over me, begging for photos, asking if they can be my friend. Frankly, it's a little exhausting. There are much better things that I could be doing than being a celebrity.

One Wednesday morning, I nearly sleep through my alarm. I smack the clock just before it stops ringing, and I slowly sit up to prepare for another long day of hero work and crowd pleasing.

I make my way to the kitchen in a bathrobe and slippers to make some breakfast. My movements are slow, and my brain struggles function. 

Finally, I manage to pour myself a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. I head out to the porch, which has become my new favorite breakfast spot, and sink into the pillows on the outdoor furniture.

I lift another spoonful to my mouth, but I almost drop the entire bowl when I hear the phone ring. I stand, wondering who could be calling this early in the morning, and shuffle to the living room, where the call awaits.

I pick up the phone, which is a lot heavier than I remember, and answer.

"Hello?" I say, my voice creaky.

"Helen?" Bob says, fully alert. "Did I wake you?"

"No -- " I yawn. "No, you didn't. Actually, I don't even think I'm awake yet."

I hear Bob's deep chuckle over the phone.

"I'm sorry that I'm calling so early, but my work schedule is tight, so I thought now would be best."

I close my eyes and groggily respond, "Uh-huh."

"Do you have plans tonight?" he asks.

I jerk my eyes open, suddenly excited at the idea of seeing Bob.

"Um, no... I don't think so. What did you have in mind?"

"How about dinner and a movie at my place?"

I nod, but realize that Bob isn't here to see me convey my approval. 

"Yeah, that sounds great," I say. "Um... what time?"

"I was thinking around 7:00?"

I almost nod again, but I catch myself before it happens.

"Okay, I'll see you then," I confirm.

"Alright. Have a great day."

I smile. "Thanks, Bob. I love you."

The moment the words come out of my mouth, my body rushes into panic mode. My eyes widen, my heart skips several beats, and my feet are frozen to the carpet. My brain, completely aware of what I've said, frantically tries to come up with a solution to the mess I've made.

"I mean... uh, what I meant to say --" I ramble, unable to form a coherent statement.


"I -- I don't really, um, know..."


I finally acknowledge Bob's voice on the other side of the phone. I stop in my tracks, and let out a shaky breath.

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