Chapter 14

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My leg bounces with nervous energy as I stand in front of the door, waiting for it to open. I try to stop my leg from moving, but doing so only makes it bounce faster. 

A few days have passed since I last saw Bob on the roof. Since then, my days have consisted of a lot of deep thinking, internal conflict, and overpowering emotion. Finally, after dwelling in my sorrows for a while, I came to my senses and decided to set things straight. 

I tightly hug myself around my stomach as the door creaks open, which makes my leg stop being so jittery. A blue eye stares back at me through the gap, the chain attached to the wall preventing me from seeing more of the man on the other side. 

I blink slowly for the sake of doing something. When I open my eyes, I see that the door has been slammed shut. I hear scuffles from behind the wood, and soon, the door opens completely, revealing a disheveled Bob. 

"Helen," he says, one hand on the door frame. 

"Hi," I say sheepishly as I grip my sides tighter. 

Bob runs a hand over his face, which has acquired several traces of sleeplessness. Two heavy bags rest under a pair of tired eyes. His hair, which is usually neatly combed and styled, sticks out in several directions, whether from careless neglect or fitful nights of insomnia, I can't tell. 

He lowers his hand and says, "Uh... would you like to come in?" 

For a brief moment, I consider ditching Bob at the doorstep. But, after thinking about the pain and agony that I would face once again if I left, I tentatively step across the threshold with a grateful look. 

He leads me into the lamp-lit living room, where we both sit on the couch. But, instead of sitting snuggly together like we have many times before, we sit on opposite ends of the couch, separated by a wall of air. I stare at my folded hands in my lap as Bob shifts uncomfortably at the other end. 

"So... how have you been?" he asks. 

I look up at him before responding. "To be honest, not great." 

He nods. "I understand." 

Silence fills the room again. I twist my hands together as I think about what I want to say. 

"I've missed you." 

I snap my head up at Bob's words. His lips are twisted in a sad smile.

I swallow. "I've missed you too." And it's the truth. Ever since our encounter on the roof, I have longed for Bob more than ever. The only other feeling that could match that is my harbored frustration and anger for what he has dragged me through. 

That's what I'm here for: to find out why he would do such a thing. 

Bob's eyes light up when he hears that his feelings are reciprocated. He suppresses a smile, though, and I'm sure it's because he knows I'm about to tear into him. 

"I have missed you, Bob," I repeat, "but that doesn't mean I'm not upset with you." 

His shoulders slump over his large chest, but he keeps eye contact with me all the same. 

I take a shaky breath. "Like I said the other day, I'm not upset with you for keeping your identity a secret, because I did the same to you. What I don't understand is why you've treated me so poorly outside of what we have..." I waggle a finger between the two of us, "" 

Bob runs a hand over his face again as he thinks. "I guess... I've been thinking about it, and I know what you're talking about," he says, "but I really don't know why I acted that way, Helen."

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