Chapter 5

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I crouch on the edge of the abandoned apartment building, breathing heavily, the strong wind making it difficult to maintain my balance.

I look down from my precarious position. The streets of Metroville are clogged with rush hour traffic. Pedestrians bustle about, some going home after a long day, others enjoying the rare mid-April sunshine.

The height at which I'm situated begins to nauseate me, so I pick my head back up. Seeing as there is nothing else holding me back, I jump.

The instant my feet leave the concrete ledge, I level my body so it is parallel with the ground. I extend my limbs in different directions, so I look like a flying starfish. Then I will my body to fill in the space between my limbs, and soon enough, I am gliding through the air like a kite.

The wind whips my face, making my eyes water. I gain speed, and I grin at the rush it gives me.

A few days have passed since my meeting with the Allied Superhero Association. After Carla confirmed my suspicions about Mr. Incredible being part of the ASA, I swiftly walked myself out with a brief 'thank you.'

As I soar over downtown, an image of Mr. Incredible pops into my head. I know that I shouldn't take his harsh words seriously, especially after my recognition from the ASA. Still, I can't stop thinking about the arrogant expression he had on his face as he flaunted to the crowd.

Why does he have to be such a snob? I think as I catch air, causing me to rise in altitude. Sure, he's a great super, and he's been doing this for longer than I have, but is the attitude really necessary?

I sigh and try to distract myself by thinking about something else. My mind almost immediately wanders to Bob. I picture his handsome, chiseled face and that warm smile of his in my mind. Even hundreds of feet above ground, his imaginary presence relaxes me. I hear his voice as I recall our conversation. Finally, I watch his figure saunter away from my apartment, growing smaller as he makes his way to find a ride home.

Suddenly, an unpleasant pang greets my stomach. I resist the urge to grab my torso, otherwise my flight would be short-lived. As the feeling fades, I come to a realization.

I miss Bob. I haven't seen or talked to him since our brief late-night phone call, and I miss talking with him.

Helen, quit thinking like that, I condemn myself. He probably has a girlfriend, and even if he doesn't, he probably doesn't like you like that. He was only being nice, after all.

A high-pitched shriek brings me back to reality. I guide myself towards the direction of the noise. I get closer, and I see people desperately scrambling to find safety. Only one building is being avoided by everyone: the bank.

I lean forward into a nose-dive, gaining velocity as I hurtle towards the scene. The ground is soon only ten feet away, and I create a parachute to slow my fall with my torso.

I hit the ground running, and I burst into the front doors of the bank.

The lobby looks as if a tornado had paved its way through it. Desks and chairs lay on their sides, and I catch glimpse of the tops of a few heads hiding behind them. A massive array of documents scatters the floor, and broken potted plants sit in various places, the soil spilling onto the ground.

Two men in black stand in the middle of the room, each one brandishing a gun, each one pointing at the employees cowering behind the furniture.

Before the two criminals realize it, I extend one of my fists, punching one of them in the face. He crumples to the floor, his weapon skittering to a halt several feet away. The other man turns toward me in shock. He lifts his gun, but I have already kicked his legs out from underneath him. I swing a book that I have grabbed from the floor with one arm in the direction of his head, and with a loud thud, his eyes roll into the back of his head, and he joins his counterpart on the cold tile floor.

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