Chapter 8

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I sit behind the wheel, and I stifle a yawn as I try to keep my eyes focused on the road. It's still dark out, and the headlights of Honey's beat-up car threaten to sputter out on the bumpy, narrow trail. 

Last night, Bob called and asked if I was able to meet him on top of Gunner's Hill, the highest point in the area just outside of the city. After a hectic arrangement to borrow Honey's car, I now find myself driving up the steep slope at an ungodly hour of the morning. 

The terrain levels out after ages of being at an incline, and my stomach couldn't be more grateful. In the pale darkness, I can make out two shapes on top of the hill: a familiar-looking car and its owner. 

I shut off the engine and step out into the chilly morning air. I wrap myself tightly in my jacket as I slowly make my way to the two shapes, careful to not trip in my early morning stupor. 

Bob turns around and sees me approaching. He smiles and waits for me to catch up. He pulls me to his side and kisses my temple in greeting. 

"Good morning," he whispers. "How was your trip?" 

I mumble something about how insane this is. He laughs and gently turns me so we're facing each other. 

He tucks a strand of my unruly hair behind my ear as he responds. "Don't worry, I think you'll find that this is all worth it." 

He leads me to the crest of the hill, where a sea of blankets and pillows is laid across the grass. Beneath us, the city sprawls out as far as I can see. From Gunner's Hill, the grandness and beauty of Metroville astounds me. 

We lower ourselves onto the ground, and I immediately wrap myself in several blankets to block out the cold. Bob pulls a blanket over himself as well, and he settles up against me. I lean into his side for extra warmth, and my eyes begin to droop in the comfort of it all. 

Bob senses my sleepiness, so he pulls out two thermoses from a picnic basket near him. He hands one to me, and I slowly twist the top open. The coffee wafts up to my nostrils, and  the corners of my mouth turn up at its scent. 

"Your favorite," Bob says. "Cream and sugar, right?" 

I nod in appreciation before I take a cautious sip. The coffee nearly burns my tongue, but it definitely warms me up. 

We sit in silence as we drink our coffee. Gradually, the dark sky begins to brighten, and soon, I can make out my hands resting on the sides of the thermos. 

Due to the caffeine flowing through my veins, I feel awake enough to adjust myself without toppling over in exhaustion. I inch my way in front of Bob, sitting with my back to him. By instinct, he wraps his arms around my waist, and I lean back into his embrace. With my legs sprawled out in front of me, I rest my head on his chest and my place my hands on his. 

"How long do you think?" I ask. 

"Soon, maybe twenty minutes," he replies. 

I close my eyes and breathe in the cool air. Along with Bob's fresh scent, the smell of dirt, coffee, and dew relaxes me. 

"Can you believe that we've been together for nearly a whole month?" Bob breathes into my ear. 

I shake my head. "It's crazy, isn't it? It feels like we were eating Bruno's pizza only yesterday." 

"Don't forget the flat tire," he chuckles. 

"How could I forget that?" I tease. 

He pulls me closer to him, his strong arms bulging underneath the blankets. 

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