Chapter 5

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It was safe to say that Lance hadn't expected Keith to bring the umbrella with him next time. But he had - and judging from how dry his clothes and hair were for once, he must have actually used it.

A little stunned, Lance halted next to Keith's seat. He still looked exhausted and tired as fuck but without the rain sticking his hair to his face he looked a lot more peaceful in his sleep. He looked almost... well, he looked almost cute.

Uncomprehending how a little dryness could change a man so much, Lance absentmindedly set his stuff down onto his regular seat and approached him once more. He just couldn't let this go. What was it that had changed him so much? It definitely couldn't have been his hair, now that it was dry it allowed Lance to see that it was styled into a mullet. Mullets were neither attractive nor cute, so it couldn't have been that.

Other than that not a lot had changed though. Okay, there were no tear tracks made by raindrops rolling down his face, but that was really it. Could a little fluffy hair and dry clothes make a man go from edgy and intimidating to harmless and cute? Apparently it could.

"Well, fuck me," Lance mumbled to himself as he looked Keith over for the fifth time. Maybe it was the Barbie umbrella across his lap, he reasoned. It was hard to look intimidating while cuddling a Barbie umbrella in your sleep. He was so engrossed in his newfound discovery of Keith's cute side that he almost missed the sticky note attached to his - now dry - leather jacket just above the umbrella.

I never asked you to do this. I owe you nothing.

Out of all the things Keith could have written, Lance really hadn't expected it to be that. Or, well, he totally imagined that but he would have thought it would be followed up by an insult or something. And by a lack of Barbie umbrellas, that was for sure.

But for some reason, Keith had brought the umbrella with him. Had used it, even. What was he supposed to do with this information?! It made him oddly endearing, really, and Lance was stumped at how to react to this. The thought of dark and edgy Keith walking through the rain with a glittery pink umbrella and sticking post-its on himself to communicate with Lance was just... it was really fucking adorable.

Oh no. Oh no.

Lance could feel the blush rising in his cheeks as he kept watching the steady rise and fall of Keith's chest. When he had first met him Lance had thought that he was kind of hot, despite his emo appearance and intimidating aura. And now he was hot and cute. Rude, a little. But he went along with Lance's game of writing messages and he had thanked him for the towel so he couldn't be that bad. Really, he sounded like just his type.

Crap. Lance wanted to talk to him. Really talk to him, not just exchange short messages over sticky notes.

As soon as that urge arose, Lance pressed it down again. He wouldn't wake Keith, not if the guy had fallen asleep trying to stay up and give him a bag. He obviously needed the sleep and Lance wasn't an asshole. Maybe he would get lucky and Keith would be awake at some point and they could talk. His lab was three months long, this was only the first week, he was bound to be awake at some point.

Turning towards his backpack, Lance dug out his sticky notes and a pen. Then he turned back towards Keith, unsure of what to write this time. In the end, he settled for a short, rushed message as his stop turned up way faster than he had anticipated.

Well, a present is a present but fact is that I still saved your ass.

I demand payback. Bring me another donut.

He slapped the notes onto Keith's umbrella, grabbed his backpack and his own umbrella and jumped out of the train.

handsome dude from the train // klanceWhere stories live. Discover now