Chapter 14

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There was a sticky note. Two even.

Lance almost fell over himself in his attempt to read them, he caught himself just at the last second so that he wouldn't fall directly into Keith's lap. Now that would have been an introduction, wouldn't it? He had faith that he could have played it off somehow but he was still rather thankful for his quick reflexes saving him the embarrassment.

Sorry, I ran out of notes.

What is your name?

Refusing to think too much about the insane amount of relief he felt, he got his own post-its out of his backpack. Lance, he wrote. Just that, nothing else. Then he stuck it to Keith's scarf, smiling at how he still wore it. It stood out against the dark leather of his jacket and looked a little ridiculous with the bright yellow stars but he had worn it for the second time already... and he didn't seem to want to stop anytime soon.

Staring at the single post-it note, inspiration struck him. A big, shit-eating grin took over his entire face as he scribbled his next message out.

It's one of these.

And then he got to work.

Name after name after name.

By the time he reached the stop before the one he had to get off, Keith was absolutely covered in colorful sticky notes. There was even one stuck to his bangs that didn't quite fit onto his torso and legs anymore. Hunk had bought him some more post-its last Tuesday when he had come across them in the store next to his work. Both he and Pidge had heard enough about Keith by then to not-so-subtly nudge him whenever they saw a sticky note anywhere. One would be surprised by how many there are when one suddenly pays attention to them.

Admiring his handiwork, Lance took a few steps back. Yes, this was a lot better than before. He liked colorful Keith, he would have to finish his bright pink beanie as soon as possible. For now, he would have to make do with covering Keith in sticky notes, ignoring the looks that the woman in business clothes sent him every five seconds. She wouldn't understand anyway, he and Keith had a beautiful friendship. This was totally acceptable for them - it was required, even! It was their thing!

Oh man, he would have paid to see Keith's reaction.

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