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Andrew walks into the backyard and sees Garrett sat on a bench by himself. He hesitates for a second, but then decides to walk over to him.

"Hey, you alright?" Andrew asks and sits next to the other man.

Garrett sighs, but doesn't even attempt to make eye contact with Andrew, instead he just keeps looking straight ahead at nothing.

"Are we going to talk about what just happened or are you going to ignore me?"

Garrett finally looks at Andrew with a sad look on his face and he's clearly nervous from the way he keeps fidgeting.

"I think the video that Shane wants to do is a bad idea." He admits after a couple of minutes of silence.

"Why? I think it will be really fun." Andrew smiles and places his hand on Garrett's arm. "We know that it's not a real date as it's just for the fans. In reality, it will just be two friends hanging out for the day, like we always do. I am sure Shane won't ask us to do anything too crazy." Andrew says while moving his hand away from Garrett's arm and then stands up from the bench.

"So, will you do it with me?" Andrew questions while standing in front of his best friend.

Garrett tries to smile, but you can tell that he's still not happy.

"Okay, I'll do it." He replies while standing up to join Andrew, then they both walk back into the house.

Shane has been sat on the couch ever since Andrew went outside to follow Garrett. He's hoping that he can still do his video because he literally has no other ideas. He thought Garrett would jump at the chance to go on a date with Andrew, even if it wasn't real. It's obvious that he has a crush on Andrew, but maybe he doesn't want anyone finding out about it. Maybe Garrett's right? This video could be a bad idea...

"I'll do it!" Garrett shouts from across the room as he walks into the house, which causes Shane to jump up from the sofa.

"Thank you, Garrett, thank you so much! I promise that I'll make it the best date ever. I have a lot of cool things planned for you guys and I know that you're going to love it." Shane tells them.

"Is it something to do with Harry Potter? Please say yes." Garrett questions.

"EW, NO!" Shane yells. "Most of it will be a surprise, so let's have you both sit back down on the couch and I'll get everything prepared so we can start filming."

Then Shane disappears upstairs to get the equipment and to go and grab Ryland because he's also going to be in the video.

"So, this won't be awkward for you?" Asks Garrett.

"No, I've already told you that I'm fine with it." Andrew responds while stroking Uno who has just walked over to them.

"You aren't even gay."

There's an uncomfortable silence before Andrew carries on the conversation.

"Well, I know that I'm not gay, but...I think that I'm attracted to women and men...I don't's confusing."

Garrett can't quite believe what he just heard, so he asks for clarification. "'re saying that you're not straight?"

"Yes, that's what I'm saying, but I'm still getting used to the idea, so I don't want everyone knowing, not yet."

Garrett looks like he's about to say something, but then Shane and Ryland come running down the stairs with handfuls of equipment.

"Alright. Who's ready to go on a date?" Shane says while dumping all of the equipment and items on the floor. "Let's get started."

(Garrett x Andrew) - For Your EntertainmentWhere stories live. Discover now