I'm Not Ready

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-- Recap --

The walk is silent, not uncomfortable, but silent. Garrett doesn't know how to start the conversation as he doesn't want to make Andrew more nervous than he already is, but he needs to know what's bothering him.

"So...are you ready to talk?"


Andrew turns to look at Garrett and lets out a sigh. He doesn't feel ready to have this conversation, but I guess it has to happen eventually, so why not now?

"I think we should break up." He admits to his boyfriend, but he can't bring himself to make eye contact with the man in front of him, so he ends up looking down at the floor.

"What?" Garrett can't quite believe what he just heard. He honestly thought this was going well and yeah sure they haven't really moved forward in their relationship, but it has only been two months. "Why?"

Andrew hates hurting Garrett like this, but it has to be done. "We are better of as friends."

Andrew isn't sure that what he's saying is exactly true, but he feels like it's the sort of thing you have to say during a break up.

"Is that why you were being so distant tonight? Because you wanted to end this?" Garrett questions as tears begin to roll down his face, but instead of wiping them away, he just lets them cascade down his cheeks.

The problem is, Andrew is actually madly in love with Garrett, he really is, but there is a part of him that isn't ready to be in a long term relationship with a man. He grew up in a very religious family, went to a mostly Christian school, has loads of straight male friends and has always had this dream of marrying a beautiful woman one day, but Garrett had to come along and confuse everything.

"I don't want to hurt you-"

"Hurt me? Of course this is gonna hurt me." Garrett interrupts him.

"I think this will be for the best though, for both of us. You deserve a better man than me. You deserve someone who can love you the way you should be loved. Someone who doesn't get scared touching you in public, someone who doesn't feel insecure when a stranger stares in our direction and...I'm sorry I can't be that for you." Andrew walks away because he can feel himself getting way too emotional and he doesn't want Garrett to see that.

Meanwhile, Garrett just stands there, not knowing what to do with himself as he watches the love of his life walk away from him. He knew Andrew found this intimidating because it is a new experience for him, but he thought that they were doing well together.

As Andrew wanders home through the dark streets of Los Angeles, rain begins to fall quite heavily and he didn't bring a jacket with him, so he just let the rain hit him. His hair slowly drops forward as it gets progressively wet and his clothes start to stick to his skin.

Garrett is still stood where he was five minutes ago, but now he's just even more of an emotional mess. He does the only thing he can think to do at this time, he calls his best friend.

(Garrett x Andrew) - For Your EntertainmentWhere stories live. Discover now