From good to bad

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"Are you guys together then? For real?" Shane questions them.

"We are." Andrew says while cuddling up to his new boyfriend.

"Shane, are you crying?" Garrett asks.

"Yeah. I am just so happy for you." Shane cries and leans over to hug the two men.

"Ryland! Morgan! Get in here." Shane shouts and then a few seconds later they both appear from around the corner.

"Omg Shane, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Ryland worries and rushes over to comfort him.

"Hey Andrew." Morgan gives him a wave and she smiles at Garrett, but doesn't say anything to him. She can see that something is different between the pair so she is preparing herself for a little heartbreak.

"Garrett and Andrew are in a relationship." Shane screams loudly.

"Really?" Morgan asks. "I'm so happy for you." That was a lie, but she is sure that she'll be happy for them one day. Garrett looks up at her because he knows how she actually feels. Part of him feels guilty for causing her so much pain, but he knows that she'll find a man one day who will love her.

"It all happened last night, but we are taking it slow." Garrett tells them.

"Now you can finally delete your Tinder." Shane jokes. "You're not single anymore!"

"That is something to celebrate. Let's have a party tonight!" Ryland says excitedly and runs out the room.

"I guess we're having a party! I'll go out and buy some snacks later and you can come with me if you want." Shane tells them.

"That sounds great!" Andrew says. "By the way, we don't want the fans to know about our relationship yet."

"Don't worry. You're secret is safe with us, right Morgan?"

"Yeah whatever." She replies, but she isn't really listening as she is playing a game on her phone.

"This isn't even why I wanted to bring you guys here today." Shane admitted. "What I wanted to do was apologize for the mess that happened yesterday, but I guess it all worked out in the end."

Andrew and Garrett stare at each other while giggling quietly and they haven't been able to keep their hands of each other for more than a couple of minutes since they got together last night.

"I need to leave the room before I start crying again. Help yourself to food if you can find anything left and there are some drinks in the fridge. I need to do a few things on the computer, so just make yourself at home." Shane tells them and walks away.

Morgan is still in the room and she might as well not be because Garrett and Andrew are completely unaware of her existence. She feels physically sick just having to look at them be all lovey dovey with each other.

She lets out a disgruntled sigh.

"Oh sorry, we forgot you were still here." Andrew laughs and tries to stop the other man from covering him in kisses, but his attempt at stopping him is very weak.

"I get that you guys are excited about your new relationship, but maybe tone it down a bit because I don't want to see it." Morgan says sternly.

"You are only saying that because you're jealous." Garrett tells her while still having a firm grip around Andrew's waist.

"Oh calm down, I am not going to steal him from you. You don't have to be so possessive."

Andrew looks on in confusion. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Oh nothing, just Morgan's obsession with you." Garrett informs him.

"Oh my god, you can't just let it go, can you? Yeah I am in love with your boyfriend, but that is none of your business." Morgan yells and runs her hand through her hair in frustration.

"None of my business? MY boyfriend is MY business!" Garrett yells back.

"Wait? What? You're in love with me?" Andrew asks her.

"YES I AM. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE." Morgan shouts and it causes Shane and Ryland to run back into the room.

"Why is everyone shouting?" Ryland questions the three of them.

"Morgan is in love with Andrew, so she has been in a bad mood all morning." Garrett replies while pulling Andrew closer to him and the other man instantly falls into the comfort of his boyfriend's arms.

"Oh my god." Shane sighs.

(Garrett x Andrew) - For Your EntertainmentWhere stories live. Discover now