The Truth

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Andrew can feel his face turn red from embarrassment and his heart rate rapidly increasing. He isn't a person that prays for death, but he kind of wishes someone could kill him right this second so then he wouldn't have to answer the question.

The two of them are still standing outside of Andrew's apartment and Garrett is waiting patiently for an answer. One million thoughts are running around Andrew's mind right now and it's difficult for him to decide on what to say.

"I don't want to rush you, as I know it might be a difficult question to answer, but I just need to know." Garrett tells him.

Andrew decides that right now is the time to tell him, especially because Garrett is already suspicious. He might even already know the truth, so what is there left to lose.

"Yeah, I am...I am truly, completely, incredibly in love with you." Andrew says and immediately feels as if a giant weight has been lifted off his shoulders. "I'm really sorry though if this has just ruined our friendship, but it feels so good to finally tell you. You mean the world to me, Garrett, and I'll always want you in my life, so if you just want to stay friends then I'll be happy with that because at least you'll still be by my side."

Garrett can't quite believe what he's hearing and thinks that he must have died in a car crash and gone to his own personal heaven because this is way too good to be true.

"Garrett? Please say something. I am really sorry that you had to find out."

Before anything could ruin this perfect moment, Garrett takes this chance to close the proximity between them and leans in for a kiss. Andrew closes his eyes as soon as their lips meet and he gets overwhelmed by the sensation of Garrett's body connected to his. I mean this isn't just a kiss, this is their first real kiss. The kiss they've been building up to ever since they first met, but Andrew was a little too naive then to understand what he was feeling. This is the kiss they have both been waiting for.

Garrett finally forces himself away so the two of them can breathe and he rests his forehead against Andrew's and smiles brightly.

"I am truly, completely, incredibly in love with you too." Garrett tells him.

Andrew lets out a small giggle and Garrett leans in to steal one more quick kiss.

"Do you still want to come inside and watch a movie?" Andrew asks. "Or maybe we could do something else?"

Andrew walks into his apartment after unlocking the door and Garrett goes running in after him.


Meanwhile back at Shane's house, Morgan has gone back inside to talk to Ryland and Shane.

"I messed up and I think I've ruined my friendship with Garrett." She tells them as she collapses onto the couch.

"Why? What happened out there? Has Garrett left?" Ryland questions while sipping on a can of la croix.

"We got into a small argument because I was being selfish. I wasn't being a good friend and I was annoyed. He left to go and talk to Andrew."

"He'll be fine. It's Garrett we're talking about here. He might get angry for a while, but it never lasts long. He'll forgive you and I'm sure he'll forgive me too." Shane informs her. "I'll talk to him in the morning though, but I think we should leave Garrett alone for the night and hopefully everything goes well with him and Andrew."

"What do you think him and Andrew are doing right now?" Morgan asks.

"Having sex probably." Shane says.

Morgan feels herself start to get upset again at those choice of words, but it's silly really. She wants to be happy for her friends, but it's so difficult when she's in love with one of them.

"Yeah I bet. If they don't get together tonight, then I'll lock them in a closet until they do." Ryland jokes. "They both clearly like each other."

"So are you going to tell us what you and Garrett argued about? Because you guys never argue about anything so it must have been something serious? Spill the tea sis." Shane says while grabbing a diet coke from the fridge.

"We were arguing about Andrew." She admits to them.

"Andrew? What about him?" Ryland asks.

"I might have fallen in love with Andrew a couple of weeks ago before this whole Garrett and Andrew situation, but now I realize that I'll never have a chance with Andrew and I'm an idiot." Morgan tells him.

Shane sits down next to her on the sofa and places his hand on her arm to comfort her. "Oh Morgan, I'm so sorry. None of us knew. If I had known then I wouldn't have forced you to help with the video."

"It's okay. I actually enjoyed today, obviously before all of the drama happened. I'll get over him, eventually and I will admit that him and Garrett do make a cute couple." Morgan says with a small smile.

"You've got to stop going for gay guys." Ryland tells her.

"Um excuse me, but I think Andrew is bisexual. Stop bi-erasing him." Shane teases and throws a cushion at Ryland.

"So are you even going to post the video that we filmed today?" Morgan asks.

"No, especially if Garrett and Andrew don't want to. So we will have to come up with a different idea. I will call the whole squad here tomorrow and we'll have a meeting. I was thinking that maybe all of us can go on a trip somewhere, like when we went to Texas." Shane says while picking up his phone to open Google. "I'll search for the most haunted places in America."

"Can't we just go somewhere nice, like Bora Bora?" Ryland asks. "First class flights, five star hotel and I can wear my Gucci slides on a private beach."

"I haven't got Oprah money." Shane sighs. "But I do have YouTube money. I think I have found the perfect place to go, but I am not telling you yet. I want it to be a surprise."

"Another surprise." Morgan complains.

"It will be worth it this time, Morgan, I promise. It's going to be the best spooky adventure ever."

(Garrett x Andrew) - For Your EntertainmentWhere stories live. Discover now