Wednesday, January 25, 2023

693 13 2

Today was very different from the past. Amanda pounded on my door at six thirty telling me that I better get my ass downstairs for breakfast. I yelled back something about what you going to do if I don't. She replied that Patrick will come home early because he wants to.

When I heard that, I jumped right out of my bed and headed down the stairs. I wasn't hungry, but I didn't want to deal with Patrick any sooner than I had too.

The boys were down there already. William was freshly showered, and Wyatt was dressed for the day. There was already a plate full of sausage dished up for me at my spot along with a glass of apple juice.

I sat in my spot, nibbling at my food. Everyone else was talking and laughing about something, but I didn't listen. I never do, and I doubt I ever will.

The thing was, I did listen when Amanda basically yelled my name to just inform me that some hockey player's good for nothing wife was going to pick me up after school and bring me to her place until Amanda can pick me up.

Apparently, I'm grounded and requires a babysitter. Hope she doesn't sit on me.

The whole morning moved at a snail's pace. No matter where I was, people would look at me and whisper. It got really bad once I made it to school. Guess who found out and is spreading rumors. I wonder what obscure stories are out there. I'm sure they will be good enough to make me laugh.

The only time I felt the effects of how extreme my problems was when I saw Jamie. When I walked past him, he stopped in his tracks and looked at me.

I will never forget the look he gave me in that moment. He had bags under his eyes. He looked so sad. His eyes, they were basically screaming at me asking why.

The whole morning while I went through the motions of school, I couldn't help but to only think about those eyes. Those eyes pursed me soul, and now I cannot forget them.

The rest of the day, I barely focused on any of my classes, but that's not anything new.

At lunch, I sat a random lunch table again trying to stay away from Jamie, but it didn't work. As soon as I sat down, Jamie sat down next to me.

He set an apple in front of me, but I didn't even pay attention to it since I was staring at Jamie the whole time.

"Winter," he said in a low voice. It was almost like he didn't know what to say to me.

I continued to stare at him without so much of peep. "Winter... you scared everyone yesterday." Great, he's talking about yesterday. I'm defiantly not going to talk about what happened yesterday!

"I know that this past month has been hard for you, but this isn't healthy for you. You need to talk to somebody about it. I'm not saying that you have to with me, but I'm scared that... that you'll... I'm scared for you."

There were at least sixty different responses that I thought about screaming at him, but I willed myself not to react to his plea. It was hard, but I couldn't show weakness. I bet he and his parents already hate me so why bother.

"Winter..." His voice sounded so broken. What does he want me to say? Sorry? Fuck off? Maybe? I just can't do that? Spill everything that's going through my head? Hell no! I won't be giving him anything even if it kills me inside.

I don't know how long I sat there before Jamie got up and left, leaving the apple sitting in front of me.

After he left, I counted to one hundred in my head before I grabbed the apple and started to eat it.

The rest of the day joined the blur that I experienced that morning.

Right after the final bell, I walked slowly to my locker, threw everything in my bag with no thought, and made my way outside trying to find who ever is bringing me home. I spotted the woman who I have seen at the hockey games. "Ugh," I groaned as I figured out who she was and started to walk over to her overly expensive car.

I climbed into the car without a word. The woman smiled at me and waited for me to close the door. "How was your day?"

"Okay," I grumbled as I played on my phone. They woman didn't say anything after that, thankfully. I don't think I could handle getting questioned by a random hockey wife.

After five minutes in the car, I realized that we weren't heading towards my house. This made me very sad since all I wanted to do was to go to my bedroom and lock myself in. I soon realized as we pulled into her apartment complex that I wouldn't have been able to do that anyways since she made me go right to the dining room table and start my homework.

When I tried to put my headphones in, she took them away saying that according to my 'parents' I was not allowed these until after I complete all my homework. It's not like I'm grounded because I'm failing my classes. I'm grounded for trying to run away.

Now with them controlling more of my life, I want to run away even more. I couldn't see how more controlling they will get if that happens, but I don't think that it'll be that good.

Around four o'clock, the lady came in telling me that my 'dad' called and I had to call him right back. Really? And why do I have to do this? Don't I have to do this stupid homework to get my phone privileges?

Anyways, with the woman breathing down my neck, I called the idiot back, his contact is literally 'the idiot' so..., praying he doesn't answer since he has a game tonight.

After the second ring I heard him answer with a "hello" to my dismay.

"Hey," I said extremely short. I don't want to be here right now.

"Um... how was your day?"


"Why?" Why was he being so hesitate with me? Why is he trying to talk to me in the first place?

"Because some idiots are making me basically be under house arrest."

"Oh..." That was all that he said. No sorry, no yelling, no trying to cover his ass. Oh... that was it.

"Hey, I have to go, have to do this fucking homework before I get some cell phone privileges."

Right as I went to hang up, the idiot spoke again. "Wait, Amanda told me to tell you that she is getting off late, so she will be around about eight to pick you up."

"Well, that's stupid. Why can't the boys just pick me up?"

"Because we don't trust you right now. Also, you are still going to the dance with Jamie. There is no way you'll get out of this, so don't try."

"You don't trust me with the boys, but you trust me enough to go to the dance?"

"The dance has chaperones, and Amanda and Hannah are driving you to and from the dance."

"So, you are saying that I need babysitters."

"If you want to call it that, then yes. We don't trust you on your own."

Patrick should be glad that he's gone right now because I probably punch him right now. "Whatever, can I go now?"

"Bye, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Whatever," I said hanging up from the stupidest phone call I have ever been a part of.

After I got my homework done and I ate some dinner that was okay, I played on my dying phone until Amanda showed up with Amber in her arms to pick me up. As soon as she arrived, I basically sprinted out of the door, making Amanda follow me out.

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