Monday, January 23, 2023

661 12 0

When my alarm when off at my normal time, I rolled back over without turning off the alarm. Ever since the events of yesterday, I didn't leave my room.

Most people would have thought I stayed in out of regret, but I stayed in her because I didn't want to deal with my so-called "family" anymore. Truthfully, I'd be okay if I never saw them again.

Anyways, I fell right back to sleep. I didn't wake up until Wyatt pounded on my door announcing that we were leaving in five minutes.

I was tempted to roll right back over, but I decided against it. Quickly, I threw my blankets off of me and got dressed in the first pair of sweats I could find. I didn't care how my hair or face looked.

I got ready and downstairs in less than two minutes.

No one said anything to me, but I could see that they were staring at me once again.

When I saw Wyatt, I almost started to laugh because of the very dark shiner that I gave him. It looked pretty cool and painful.

The day went by slowly. I kept to myself, but before I could make it to my third-hour class, Jamie pulled me aside. "You punched your brother!" He looked like he was shocked and pissed.

I didn't say anything to him as I tried to walk away. He grabbed my arm, I threatened him saying, "If you don't want a matching shiner as my brother, you better let go of my arm right now."

"What is going on with you?"

"Shit,"I mumbled before I walked away from him.    

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