Chapter 16 Taking Over

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      Like i said before, let me know if this song fits the chapter.

     Song used: Taking Over Me by Evanescence

      K.O was sitting with Enid at the counter. Today was sucky. The only good thing today was that there were barely, and I mean barely, any people in the store.

      Trudy would come in from time to time to do their job for them. After all, they did loose a friend today. When Trudy tried to lay the horrible news on to Enid lightly, everything went down south.

      Enid ran off to the break room to be alone after what she heard. She didn't want to come out of that room. You can't blame her for not wanting to. Anyway, back to right now.

     Enid was scrolling through social media post some people made. She placed her phone in front of her and just stared at it. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get her mind off of Rad.

     "I'm gonna get something eat. You gonna come with?" Enid said.

     "I guess I can." K.O said. The alarm sounded, meaning Lord Boxman is actually sending in something. The two ran outside to be greeted with a BoxMore box already in the parking lot.

       The box opened to reveal the girl from before and Raymond right behind her. "Hello plaza pussy's." the girl said to them.

      "Watch it." Raymond demanded. "Sorry." she apologized to him.

     "Anyway, how rude of it was of me not to say who I was at our last encounter. I'm Bete Noire, and this is my little companion Kumu." Bete told them.

      "How come Boxman sent you two?"

     "Oh you poor child, were not here to destroy the plaza." Bete replied.

     "Well, not today." Raymond added.

      "You see, we don't matter to you." she said, pointing to Enid. "We only matter, to you." she finished, pointing to K.O.

      "I'm not gonna let you take K.O." Enid said with determination.

      "Well, if that's the case," Bete paused. "Then we'll have to take him from you." Enid ran over to them. "Raymond." Bete commanded.

      "On it." his hand turned into into a cannon. He fired that same thing Cassandra used on Enid five months ago. It hit the the ground and exploded into a white dust cloud. Enid began to go into coughing fit. She fell to her knees and couldn't stop.

      "Enid!" K.O called out in worry. Something wrapped around his torso he looked to what was a hot pink rope. Bete called out to Raymond to get his penalty box ready. He did when K.O was lassoed over to him.

      Raymond trapped him in the penalty box. "Lets go. We have what we, but to make sure he doesn't try escaping it." Bete called out for Kumu to cover the penalty box. It did as it was told.

       The two ran over back to BoxMore, leaving Enid in the cloud of white dust. It cleared up a bit and her coughing slowed down. Her eyes were bloodshot from the dust cloud and she could barely speak.

*At BoxMore*

      "Ooooh, Darumaa." Bete called out in a good mood, holding the penalty box.

     "If your looking for Daruma then I suggest you check in with Lord Boxman." Ernesto suggested to the child.

     "Thank you, Ernesto." Bete thanked. She walked to Boxman's office and knocked on the door. "Oh, Daruma." she called out again.

OK K.O. Let's be Heroes - A Demon's Control (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now