Down the Rabbit Hole

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That night it was safe to say the neither you nor Steve got any sleep. You kept thinking of how much of fucked up mess you were in and trying to figure out how to get out of the rabbit hole. Steve kept thinking of how beautiful you were and how affected he was with you in his arms, of how his body was fighting the urge to go to you at every waking moment. The next day was what you called a free day until the evening for the Mayor's gala that you and the Captain would attend together. You thought that talking to him about your game plan would ease some of the tensions from the previous evening, or that was your hope.

When you came out he was leaning against the counter and had made breakfast for the two of you. It was surreally domesticated and it took a moment to get your bearings. He was reading a newspaper and drinking coffee and smiled when he saw you come in while drinking in your presence. "Good morning. I-I hope that you don't mind. I made pancakes." You nodded and sat down across from him and pretended that you didn't notice him looking at you before he cleared his throat and went back to the paper.

"So..I have Sam and Bucky coming over today to go over a few things that I put together last night, I hope that you don't mind." You shook your head and continued to eat. "No that's fine. What did you find?" He smiled at you and put down the paper. "Well, thanks to you and your prodding I was able to figure out the possible whereabouts of some team players and the guys are bringing over some maps from the intel that you delivered. I think we can pinpoint the best HYRDA bases to infiltrate and take down first. Making the biggest impact and hit the hardest first." He looked so pleased and his eyes were alight it made you excited and you couldn't help but smile. "Speaking of which, I have a person that I want to introduce you to tonight." He leaned forward and took a piece of bacon off of your plate and you paused a moment but shook off the intimacy of the act. He was so casual about so many things and you knew that you and he lived in two very different worlds and it made your heart break a bit more.

"Yea, so tell me about this person." You snapped back to the topic at hand. "His name is Charles or Charlie. He is Vivian's main guard detail. He wasn't there last night but he will certainly be there tonight. They are having an affair." Steve quirked an eyebrow and smirked at the gossip and you waved it off. "That's neither here nor there. But he used to be my guard. He was here for 3 years and was head of security and ..he's a very good man." Steve looked down and his brows furrowed you saw his shoulder tense a bit. "So, why was he fired. Were you and he..." It took you a moment to realize the implication of how sounded to him. "Oh, no..of course not. I've only ever been with him." You said with disgust and Steve gave you that look to say that he was sorry and you felt a need to tell him what happened with Charlie to clear the air.

"Like I said Charlie was my detail and he took me everywhere and we were..friends. Henry saw a picture of us in the paper and it made him look foolish. To be honest, I don't know if he would've been mad if I slept with Charlie as long as it didn't appear that way to anyone else. To my luck, though I was pictured in a gossip column and  I was laughing next to Charlie and Henry didn't like it. At all. Henry hit me. Charlie intervened and they threw punches. In the end, I did not fair well. Charlie ..he asked me to run away with him." Steve and you locked eyes and his jaw twitched.

"He loved you?" You nodded. "He said he did but I didn't at least not like that, so I said no. Henry doesn't know about the offer. In the end, Henry was humiliated. Charlie was fired. Vivian found herself a new head of security as a favor to me. Which she still thanks me to this day." He reached over the table and gently took your hand and you didn't remove it as he gently rubbed his thumb in soothing circles. "I'm so fucking sorry, doll. I-- didn't...he'll pay." You looked up into his steel blue eyes and saw an unshakeable determination that gave you strength and you just nodded and gave him a smile.

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