Simply Ravenous

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The ride back to the penthouse was torturous and Steve was the ever cavalier driver gripping the steering wheel tightly and keeping his hands to himself. The only telltale sign that you were torturing him was the white knuckles at his ten and two and his labored breathing which caused you to smirk. This also gave you a burst of confidence that you had never encountered till this evening and it hummed through you. Your hands pulled up your dress and caused the split to expose your thighs to the taut soldier next to you and his breath hitched. You ran your nails along your thighs roughly and you moaned at the feeling thinking of Steves hands on you instead of your own. Your head fell back against the seat rest and you grabbed his bicep and pulled him towards your body.

"Doll..." He growled and you saw out of the corner of your eye he was biting his lip and eyeing your lacy panties intensely. "Put your hands on me, Cap." His eyes flicked to yours and they were so dark you could've sworn they were black and your breathing picked up chest heaving. He didn't miss the effect he was having on you, touch-starved was what he had said. He couldn't deny you, especially when you were starving for his touch and he was was the only thing that could quench your thirst. "You want me to touch that pretty little pussy, doll?" You nodded to him and whimpered at his gruff voice but soft face as he looked at you. He stopped at the red light and took in your needy appearance and then without missing a beat reached over and ripped off your lace panties and you gasped at the delightful friction it caused. "Fuck, doll. You're so wet for me and I haven't even touched you." You took his hand and he smirked at your sudden boldness. "Then touch me." He ran his long thick fingers through your slick folds and you moaned at the exquisite touch and electricity shooting through you. "So responsive. I love it. Ya gonna be like that when I lick you? Taste you? When you feel my beard on your thighs?" You let out a wanton moan and he chuckled. "That sounds like yes to me. Yea?" You grabbed on to his bicep as he pushed his middle finger in and ran his thumb over your clit. "Fu-fuck yes, Steve."

All of the sudden the car turned off and you felt him pull away from you and you turned to him and whined. He laughed at your pout and shrugged. "Sorry, baby. We're home." He grabbed you with such ease as if you weighed nothing and pulled you onto his lap. You silently thank him for taking the SUV for the extra room you had to sink down on his large thigs and frame to straddle him comfortably. He took the fingers still slick with your juices into his mouth and sucked them clean. "So delicious, fuck doll. Where have you been all my life?" You eyes went dark and you started to shy away and he took your face in his large hands. "Hey, doesn't matter. You're here now and I ain't lettin' ya go. Ya hear me?" You smiled and kissed his warmed lush lips and he was the one who moaned this time as you let your hips grind into him, once- twice. His fingers dug into your thighs leaving bruises you welcomed and you tugged on his hair as his face delved into the sweet spot on your neck. His beard leaving perfect red marks up and down the delicate untouched skin on your neck and collarbone.

"I need you, Captain." He never would've thought hearing Captain would be a turn on but hearing you say his rank made his cock twitch and feeling your wetness seep through his pants only contributed to his current state. "Tonights about you, Y/N. Let me take care of you." You thought he had and he was but he opened the door and climbed out and carried you to the elevator all the while kissing you.

Somehow he made it to the bedroom and gently put your feet down. He turned you around and unzipped your dress. The look on his face revealing that you had no bra made him shiver with jealousy at the thought that every man tonight probably knew. "Sit." His voice was firm and you complied loving the intense look in his eyes and how he stared at you taking in your naked frame, memorizing it. His jaw twitched as he started to unbutton his shirt and your hands itched to help. He tsked you when you squirmed to assist him. "No, watch me, love. I'm yours but you've been torturing me. Now it's my turn." Had you tortured him did you have an effect on him? Of course, you did. You smirked as your burst of confidence and opened your legs slightly and his brows quirked. "Naughty girl I have here."

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