Fight Club

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The next morning after you awoke in a tangle of limbs with a certain super soldier. It was pure bliss that was soon interrupted when both of you were given the fight information and Charlie came over to discuss some information with Steve and you regarding what to expect. Bucky came over to give and gain some intel also and soon you had three large men taking over your home. It was like a big happy family and you were so uncomfortable that you snuck away and had a glass of brandy to soothe your nerves. 

Bucky came into the bar area and sat down startling you and the glass you were holding fall making him catch it mid-air. "Jumpy, doll?" You smiled at him but it didn't reach your eyes. "Only when I have two super soldiers and my ex-bodyguard having a meeting in my husband's penthouse." He nodded appreciatively of your snarky yet honest comment. "So...what does a man have to do to get a stiff drink here." You pulled out the brandy and poured him a glass. "Simple. Flash a smile my way is fine." He gave you a charming smile and you were quick to return. 

Easy silence fell between you two while Steve and Charlie spoke in the other room about tonight, their deep voices booming in the distance. Bucky was the one to break the silence. "So, you and Stevie, huh?" You swallowed the now thick and strong amber fluid as it burned your throat trying not to cough it back out. " Well." You silently shrugged at him not sure how to answer and not knowing what to say. "Hey, it's ok. I just thought you may want to say it out loud. No judgment. Ya know? Sometimes it may help to make sense of it all." Your eyes finally met his and you saw that there was no judgment and you felt some sense of ease come from it. You wanted, no needed, someone to talk to so it was going to be this brilliant long-haired soldier. Sure, why not?

"I love him, I--I do. I've never had that. I'm so afraid that I will mess this up or he will see me for what I am. He's Captain America and he's absolutely lovely and I -- I..." Bucky put his hand on yours and your breathing became steady. "Hey, I've known Steve for longer than I'd care to admit. He's been a punk for a better part of it but with you..well he's found his peace." He let out a breathy laugh and you smirked. "He's got it bad for you, doll. I mean it. I've never seen him like this and it's different from Peggy." Steve had told you all about her one night and your heart hurt for him and to hear that from Bucky made you feel overwhelmed. 

"I'm nothing compared to her though Bucky. She is-was elegant and a fighter." Bucky got up and walked around to you and you looked up at him. "Are you kidding me? You are a fighter! You are a survivor too. Look at the odds you have beat and still laugh and bring joy to a broken man like Steve. You're an anomaly and that's why he is taken with you. You are the last raw and uncut diamond that he never thought he would find." Something about what he said and everything that had happened over the past few days, hell since you met Steve came tumbling down on you. Every wall built up and every emotion was stifled through the years finally was let loose. You felt You started crying, silently and hugged Bucky. He was taken aback momentarily and then returned the embrace wholeheartedly.

"Please don't tell me I broke you, Y/N. Steve will have my ass if so." You pulled back and wiped your eyes and laughed. "No, I just think I finally am getting to the person I need to be. Thank you, Bucky." It was his turn to hide behind his hair and blush.

When you returned to the two men they were deep in conversation and you sidled up close to Steve and put your hand on his thigh. Charlie's brow rose high and he stopped speaking momentarily at the exchange, clearly taken aback at your PDA. Steve, however, welcomed it and smiled while putting his larger hand over yours and threading his fingers through yours. Bucky leaned against the door frame and smirked while internally patting his large ass muscular back for his words of wisdom. He had to tell Nat later and get some reward nookie for his good deed. 

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