Chapter 5- Chaos on the Ship

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The next day , the speaker was booming with noise. The person said," Good Morning Everyone! I am your ship captain speaking. We will reach The Island Of Graves tomorrow, as you already know! I hoped you enjoyed your ride on The New York Queen! Thank you for your cooperation!

Emma: What the hell was that for!? Everybody had been woken up by the loud noises from the speaker. Emma , Harry, Jade and Nick(me) were mumbling about how the Captain has woken us from our deep sleep. But, Saffron's bed was empty.

They almost forgot about Saffron, when Jade shouted," Wait a minute... where's Saffron? Everybody started  panicking when they couldn't find Saffron.

Then Harry shouted," She could be outside! She loves sceneries. She'll love the scenic views from this ship. So they all dashed from their room in their pyjamas , and started looking for Saffron . 

When Everybody saw these five people running around in their pyjamas , they made jokes of them and laughed their heads off. Just then, I did a sudden stop, because I saw a blond haired girl looking at scenery, at the edge of the ship.

I knew it was Saffron. So I rushed to her and said," Hey Saffron! You could have left us a note or something to tell us that you are going outside to see the morning sunrise!" Saffron: What do you mean? Saffron was chunking down coffee in a Mug and was holding her thick computer in the other hand.

I was amazed. Nick: You mean you've been doing research, when we're on a Mission!? Saffron: Yes! Is there a problem with that? Nick: What do you mean by," is there a problem with that! Do you know we— My sentence was cut short as the rest of the gang had found us. Emma: We have been searching you two for ages! Jade: More Like two minutes. Emma: We've been searching for Saffron for ages! Don't ever do that again Saffron!

Saffron: Sorry guys! I should have told you before ! Anyways let's go downstairs to eat breakfast. You guys must be starving! The Buffet is gonna close really soon!

Harry: Then we better hurry up! Let's go. And at the very moment an announcement came," We have been reported that four people from room 645 have been spotted with their pyjamas , as they were running around the ship or you could say in public. Please come to the staff office, immediately.
Emma,Jade, Harry and I were very ashamed of ourselves.
Saffron: Now look what you guys have done! I Guess you guys will miss your breakfast. At least I already have eaten mine. Now come on! You guys have some scolding to get!

We walked to the staff office which was at the lowest level. Emma: Why would they ask us to come to the staff room to conduct a meeting? Jade: I really don't know why. Finally we reached the lowest floor. It was very dim -litted , but there was a door and on top there were wordings carved on it . "Staff Room", it said.

On the other side of the door is was very bright and we could hear lots of chattering. We slowly opened the door and stepped inside. Everybody became absolutely still and quiet. We walked deeper inside the room and saw the Captain of the Ship looking very annoyed.

Captain: You must be the  Mystery Wheel !Come!Sit down on these chairs. Oh! You have brought a Friend along to acompany you! I'll bring a chair for her too. Waiter! Go bring a chair for the lady as well. 

Saffron: Sir, I am in the Mystery Wheel ... but I was awake  much earlier then these  four!  I was seeing the scenery ,sipping coffee from my cup and doing my research! Captain: You do not have to be so detailed Miss.....  Jade:Lockhart! Captain: I was not asking you . I was asking your dear Friend.

Captain:Anyways, You four were running around in your pyjamas. Why were you doing that? Nick: Um .... Well, because our Friend ,Ms Lockhart was not in the room when we woke up because of your stupid announcement! Captain: Don't call my announcement stupid! It's for a good cause ....Anyways continue. Harry: I'll continue for Nick. Captain: I don't care who continues! Just continue! Harry: Ok Sir, um... yes! Then we thought —
Jade: Not we! Only you , yourself Harry, suggested that we'll go outside to search for Saffron! Captain: ENOUGH! Just continue! Harry: I suggested that Saffron is outside. Without changing to our normal clothes , we went outside and started running around like maniacs, and Nick found Saffron at the edge of the ship!

Captain: Your famous, Everybody here knows you... what if they post you four in social media. You would be ruined. Oh! I forgot to tell you the responsible person who reported you four to me. This is Megan Terry.

Megan: Hello! Mystery Wheel! I thought you would have at least some manners! But it turns out you have none! I must say... very irresponsible....... But I did the right thing! I reported you! Harry: no manners! Irresponsible ! How is that true! We are sorry for what we did ! We did wrong! But What Ms Terry here is saying is completely insane! It's rubbish!

Captain: Now,now. Don't be mean to others! Do I HAVE to treat you like a baby! Jade:How dare you say that! Saffron: Jade ! Calm down. Captain: Yes! Please do calm your friends down! They don't know what they're saying!

Saffron: Hey! Now you stop being mean! Captain: Enough is Enough! You are dismissed! But make sure you never make this mistake again!

We quickly climbed the staircase up to the deck. It was already evening.  Emma: We made a really bad impression of ourselves. I hope he still gives us good food! Harry: Yes! I hope he does! He already gave us taunting of that passenger Megan show - off! Isn't that the punishment?   Saffron: I hope so! 

All the friends walked together, hand in hand with the beautiful scenery and the extraordinary sunset. Nick:Beautiful sunset ? 🌄Isn't it?  Everyone agreed. They walked back their room tiredly after a Long and busy day. But, they did not know what destiny had in store for them in the future.    

                                                ——To be continued——

Hi guys! Hoped u enjoyed the story!
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Until next time! See ya in Chapter 6!Also Major Editing going on and guys you might want to read all my Chapters again cause I edited it ,so ya! For all new people who are reading this story, you don't have to read it all again! Bye !see ya in part 6!Continue reading and........VOTE !!!
Signing off,
Your author,

Journey to The Island Of GravesWhere stories live. Discover now