Chapter 4-- The Ship

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—-5:30pm 13th August 1994—

Finally it was the day to set out for the island of graves. Remember Harry knew nothing about what happened? Well, The next day I met him in private and explained him exactly what had happened.

Anyways, We all were in the car and after a long drive we reached the boarding station. We got out of the car,  looking forward to see happy faces. Well, there were people who were happy, but there were people with sad and pale looks on their faces  scattered across the huge crowd. We whispered to each other.

Emma: Those people... look strange. Harry: Maybe their going where we are going.

Saffron: Of course they are! Why wouldn't they be in the same train station then?But seeing them gives me a bit of an eerie feeling. We all looked intently at Saffron right after she said this.

"We will be conducting attendance taking now. All passengers should be here one hour before we set off. We will now start attendance taking.", One of the ship's crew member's said.

Emma: Why don't we talk to one of those pale looking people? Nick: Well , ok . They might know information about Sara's husband's funeral.But who will go?  Saffron: Jade! You go. You are the best at speaking to people!   All of us agreed to what Saffron said.  Jade: Ok.... I'll go. But after attendance taking.

So it was settled that Jade would go and talk to one of those pale faced people but she gave us one condition, that all of us have to also gather information from other people..... which was not exactly fulfilled.


Finally it was our turn for attendance taking. When the crew member came to us ,with a smile on his face he asked ," You five are the famous and well-known Mystery Wheel. Things are quite mysterious in The Island Of Graves. Anyways, good luck on your Journey to The Island Of Graves." I said," Thank you Fellow crew member!" It was off to a great start!


It was seven thirty. "Boarding time", the crew members called out. Everyone was squeezing through a little ,wobbly and crooked staircase which led up to the ship. Some people lost their tickets and tore their clothes as everyone was pushing and running to make their way through.

We were almost the last ones inside as there were only two middle-aged women behind us. We realised that they were one of the pale people we had seen earlier! We had discussed that we would pretend that we didn't know each other and then Jade would talk to them to get information.

So, we pretended to be like all the other passengers while Jade talked to the two ladies. Jade said to both of the women," Hello Ladies! I am Jade Thompson. First Lady: oh ! Hello Ms Thompson! I am Kim and this is my Sister Abby! Very nice to meet you. What brings you to go to The Island Of Graves? Jade: I am invited to a man's funeral.. What about you two?
Abby: We are also invited to that man's funeral. Just like that Kim started crying. Kim: Sorry for the sobbing, he was actually my  good friend. Jade: I am very sorry for your loss. Do you know anything about him? Kim: Of course I know everything about him... but if I talk more about him it makes me sadder and.... sadder....  Abby: Can't you see my Sister does not like it!Say no more Ms Thompson.Bye.

And then they marched right in front of her and disappeared. Jade whispered to herself," Saffron was right! Those people are strange ! They are hiding something!  And so Jade waited patiently for her turn and finally she came up the ship at about 7 :50pm.

The ship had obviously gotten delayed . It was meant to happen. Anyways, Jade went around the ship trying to search for Kim and Abby, the strange people, but to no avail. They were not in sight! She gave up trying to search for them and started to search where the rest of the Mystery Wheel members were.

Finally , she found one crew member standing like a soldier and the edge of the boat. She walked briskly towards the crew member, hoping to know where the rest of her friends were. She was perspiring after all the walking , pushing and running. Sweat ran down all over her face.

When she came closer to the crew member,she said with her loudest and the strictest voice," Do you know Nick Jonathan,Harry Alexandra,Emma William and Saffron Lockhart? Which room are they saying in! The crew member said in a nervous tone,"Roo.....oom....numb...ber .......645.. Madam."

In a flash , Jade ran to room 645 and saw Saffron waiting for her with a big smile on her face. Saffron shouted with delight," She's here! Jade's here!" Jade hugged Saffron and everybody else. Nick: We're sorry Jade , after we came up the ship... we asked people but they would not let the information slip so easily from them! They also loooked like did not know about the funeral! Although... maybe. Anyways.We're very sorry! Jade: It's fine! But I am successful !I got something useful from those two women!
Emma:Tell us what happened! Jade: Ok so ,I told them my name , and they told me their names, the first lady's name was Kim and the second lady's name was Abby. They both are sisters. Harry: They didn't tell their surnames. Jade: If I asked them for their surname, they might've stopped the conversation! They would think I'm a stalker wanting to know all their personal information and try to rob them or something !Anyways, I told them that I was going to The Island Of Graves because I was invited to a man's funeral. They said they're also coming to the island for the same reason. And then Kim said...that she was the man's good friend. Then I asked them for more information.... but they said no (because Kim started getting emotional) , went in front of me and ran off!

Emma: That is very strange indeed! Saffron : I researched more about the island and I found a really useful fact," Local people from The Island Of Graves wear old fashion clothes." Nick: Now we know how how to recognise the people from the island!  Jade: That's true! I think you were right Nick ! This IS some sort of Mystery! And we are going to solve it!!

                                                     ———To be continued———-

Hi guys! 1000 +words!!!
Longest chapter until now! I'll make more chapters like this!
Hope you guys like my Story!!! I changed Harry Alexandra to Harry Alexander if you guys didn't notice!
Until next time! Major editing going on! See you in Chap 5! You might also want to read all the chapters again as I edited it so ya!
Signing off,
Your author,

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