I can barely recall a time when anything mattered as much.
I can barely remember the sound of my own head.
What madness brought me here
The voices are invading
Ripping me apart
Is there any hope of abeyance?
The negativity that compounds my continuation.
One day, one shot and several thousand pills later
Years below rock bottom
Came my salvation
I was freed from hell
A hell burgeoning forth like I was Lucifer himself.
I'm a light bringer for the obvious truth.
Madness begets us all.
One way once upon a time.
Salad Days
PoesíaSad poems from sad and angry times. Written from a juvenile time (14 years old) to older. That's what you get when you leave a teen to ponder reality. A pen hits reality harder than high school survival. Original Art from Vivianne Rheaume