Genda Koujirou x reader x Hiura Kirina (READ BEGINNING PLEASE!)

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Ok I got wifi so yeah, soorry for keeping y'all waiting. I've been neglecting this request for so long, I'M SO SORRY! I FINALLY HAVE A PLOT TO WORK WITH THIS AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT. TO PUT IT IN SIMPLE WORDS LIKE OTOME GAMES, YOU GET TWO ENDINGS: ONE WITH BEAST BOI AND THE OTHER ONE WITH BOOTIFUL BOI AND THOSE WILL BE DIFFERENT ONE-SHOTS. These one-shots take place before and during ep. 9 during the match between Raimon and Teikoku and in one ending, Raimon wins and in the other one Teikoku wins. (LIKE IT SHOULD'VE ORIGINALLY HAPPENED WTF SAKUMA AND KAZEMARU AND FUDOU DESREVED BETTER ALSO GENDA PROTECTING THE GOAL WAS ADORABLE, ok ill stop speaking now.)

"Pass the ball." You heard a voice from afar as a football slowly rolled towards you and Genda. You both looked at each other and shrugged, Genda picked up the ball and threw it at a bluenette boy who had showed up in front of him to collect the ball.

"You play football?" You inquired the boy, he gave a swift nod. "Oh! Koujirou and me play football too!" You said excited jumping up and down.

"Wanna join me, then?" Asked the boy. You smiled and followed the boy to the river bank where he was playing football alone. You found out that the guy's name was Hiura Kirina and that he played for Raimon High school's football team. He had recently just moved to the Inazuma town.

"NO WAY!" Genda exclaimed. "Are you going to be competing in the Football Frontier next month?" Hiura nodded. "Looks like we're going to be rivals, i'm playing for Teikoku." Genda said with a lot of pride, Hiura seemed taken back as everyone knew how strong Teikoku was. Hiura knew that Genda was going be a tough opponent.

After all introductions were out of the way, you three decided to play some football. Compared to you, Genda and Hiura were awesome players, you could barely keep up with them. You gave up and decided to let them both play as you watched them from the river bank.

"We should do this again sometime." You suggested after the boys were done playing football. That was when you realised, something had passed between you three. It was something that couldn't be put into words but it was SOMETHING GOOD. It was obvious that Genda and Hiura felt it too. You all agreed to meet up the next day at the same time.

It was as if football had bonded you. Ever since then, you three became really good friends. You were the ultimate trio. From time to time, you would just mess around and act like a fool but Genda and Hiura still loved you. They like the crazy burning fire within you. It was almost as if that fire attracted them towards you.

"Well... the match is next week." Hiura reminded Genda as he sat down next him at the park, waiting for (F/N). "Ready to get your ass kicked?" It was very rare of Hiura to swear, swearing destroyed his gentleman personality.

"I could say the same thing about you. You're going down." Genda smirked as watched a couple of little kids play by the river side. "So are we doing this for real?" Hiura was a bit unsure at first but then nodded. "Let's just be clear, after THAT happens we are all just friends and nothing will change between us. No hard feeling, okay?" Hiura nodded once again. After a few moments (F/N) arrived, which startled them both.

"So are you guys ready for the match? Ah man... It's going to be so hard to cheer for both you, I'm going to lose my voice by the end of the match." You said as you walked home with them. "But it's not about winning to me, just try your best both of you!" Hiura and Genda exchanged a bit uncomfortable looks as they walked behind (F/N).

"Well it is important to us when it comes to winning your heart..." Mumbled Genda as Hiura nodded in agreement.


Just before the match, Hiura and Genda were having a discussion, to no one's surprise it was about (F/N). 

"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, you might not be able too handle seeing me with (F/N)." Today was the day of the match. Genda was trying to make jokes while he still could, even though he was panicking inside, Hiura had gotten better since their first encounter.

"Are YOU sure you'll be handling Teikoku losing to us? I mean, your dignity is at stake." Hiura snapped back. Suddenlt, (F/N) appeared to their surprise and they prayed to dear God that she had not heard their conversation.

"Hey guys, just came to say good luck one final time. This is going to be one epic match." (F/N) smiled at the pair. She hadn't hear their conversation. Good.

"Say... (F/N) we've got something important to tell you after the match..." Said Genda trying to avoid your gaze.

"Y-yeah, depending on the outcome on the match." Explained Hiura when (F/N) gave a confused look. "But don't freak out, it's nothing bad." He assured her.

"Alright, you two are acting freaky so i'm not gonna bother asking questions. Besides the match is about to start. Do your best, i'll be cheering for you both! You better not disappoint me." (F/N) said and was gone. 

"May the best man win." Genda said extending his hand.

"Good luck Genda, you're a good friend." Hiura spoke softly as he shook Genda's hand. Genda smiled at him and nodded in agreement.


Ok ok now do you people want to a) wait a long time so I can write both the Genda and Hiura ending and post them together or

b) not wait long and for me to post other one-shots in the mean time while I write the two one-shots


Coming up: (let me know if ur request is not on the list, i'll add it cuz I lost my list.)

Sakuma Jirou x Haizaki's sister!reader

Genda Koujirou x reader

Asuto Inamori x reader pt. 2

Inazuma Eleven Ares no Tenbin x reader [requests are closed for now]Where stories live. Discover now