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Laylani Pov

So I decided that I was gonna stay over because I didn't wanna be home alone and it felt good to be around other people instead of being alone and your thoughts taking over.

I woke up sprawled across Trey bed I looked over the side of the bed and he was sprawled out on the floor it was kind of funny I slowly got out the bed I felt a slight headache, I slowly walked out the room stepping over Trey not waking him up.

I closed the door behind me and felt something attacking my socks I looked down to see buddy attacking.

" Hey man ." I said smiling and picking him up. " There he is I was looking for him." Jaz came out of the room.

I laughed and let him bite on my finger.

" He was trying to get away from this punishment cause he peed in the room." She said. " Are y'all just letting him go on the pads only?" I asked.

I mean I know he a puppy but you can teach him how to go outside.

" Yea I wanna teach his bad self how to go outside but Tae treating him like a baby." She said. " I was wondering when you guys were gonna teach him how to go outside cause I know its irritating having to clean up after him every time." I said.

We sat out back and I let buddy go and watched him run around.

" So I know about what bro did , how you feeling." She asked. " Honestly I don't know I wanna forgive him but the way he went about everything kinda messed me up." I said.

We talked more about it and other things we started talking about a random things and started joking around.

" Aye I'm thinking about pulling a prank on Tae but I don't know." Well I seen the pranks y'all do try a STD one." I said throwing out a suggestion.

Before she could say anything the door opened with Tae in the doorway.

" I was looking for you why you ain't tell me you was sitting out here?" She asked. " I don't have to tell you my every move." Jaz said.

She gave her a look and I just decided not to say anything cause she ain't say anything to me.

Armon Pov

I couldn't get any sleep I have been sitting and wondering what to do now, I mean what happened yesterday could have went differently but I wasn't ready for them to come at me like that.

I could have done everything differently I didn't have to sit there and put the blame on Trey cause it wasn't his fault but I don't wanna to lose her and I can't I just got her back and I refuse to let her go.

What Now? How should I go about everything now?

I grabbed my phone and decided that I was gonna talk to one person that I know wouldn't have me go into the wrong direction.


So here is another update, it's kinda longer then what it originally was but not as long as yesterday update.

But I hope you guys enjoy.

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