Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Sitting on the roof I was on the phone to Harry, again. Since we started dating we talked for hours every night. He must have massive phone bill.

“What are you doing?”

“Nothing much. Just talking to this girl. She alright I guess.”

“Really? I bet she’s awesome.”

“You know what now I think about it, she is. And she is the prettiest, funniest and most amazing girl I have ever met.”

“You’re not so bad yourself. Shit babe, it 2:00 am. We should go to bed. See you in a few hours.”

“Bye. Have a good sleep. Sweet dreams.”

“Sweet dreams Harry.”

I got into bed smiling like a clown.  I love Harry. That’s it Emily. You are going to tell him as soon as you see him at school later. I fell asleep and dreamed of Harry and I getting married and all that crazy, lovey-dovey crap. But honestly, that lovey-dovey crap describes exactly how I feel. So, I will continue to act like some dumb, love struck teenager, because that’s what I am.

I arrived at school noticing Harry wasn’t there.

“Ahh!!! Who the he—“

I was stopped by a kiss. Harry. He knew I was ticklish on the sides and he just had to always use it against me.

“Not funny.”

“Yeah it was.”

He smiled his irresistible cheeky smile and did it again.

“Hey I need to tell you something. It’s important.”

“Okay. We can talk about it tonight. When we have dinner at my place. My parents are gone and I have to tell you some thing to.”

“Okay. See you at lunch.”

“Bye Snooks”

“Don’t call me that!!”

“Fine. Bye Snooks.”

Ugh. He had started calling me that since he saw my leopard print suitcase. And my leopard print shirt. And dress. And skirt. And shoes. Okay it’s not like I’m obsessed or anything its just leopard is cute and always fun. But now Harry and all of our friends call me Snooks, like Snooki from Jersey Shore. So annoying. I went to class thinking about what I was going to wear tonight. Maybe my leopard skirt?

As I got ready to go to Harry’s I thought I might as well pack my sweats, as I normally would because I normally just got changed after dinner because we always snuggled and watched movies. I put on my leopard skirt, black shirt, my new black heels and some red lipstick. Perfect. I got to Harry’s and it was set up exactly as it was for our first date, all the twinkley light and the perfect dining set right in the middle of the room.

“Wow Snooks. You look amazing.”

“Thankyou. But I would be a lot happier if you didn’t call me Snooks.”

“Sorry. Would you prefer Snooki?”

“Snooks will be fine then.”

He kissed me on the cheek and pulled out a table for me. We basically ate dinner right away. We sat there laughing and talking. It felt like our first date. He took me over to the couch and he just stared at me.

“Harry your kinda freaking me out. What’s going on? Is everything okay?”

“Everything is perfect. I just, need to tell you something.”

“Okay go.”

“Not here. Can we go for a walk in the park?”

“Yeah of course. Lets go.”

We walked to the park holding hands in almost complete silence. He took me to the tree we had carved out initials in on that day at the park.

“Harry, you’re scaring me. What is going on.?”

“Sweetie you don’t have to be scared. I just brought you out here to tell you, to tell you that I love you.”

I don’t know what happened first. My jaw dropping out of shock seeing as I was just about to tell him the same thing or I couldn’t stop smiling.

“No way. I was going to tell you I loved you today at school.”

“I’m glad you didn’t. I made this date so I could be the one who said it first.”

“Oh really. Well, isn’t that just romantic of you.”

We stood in the park kissing and laughing then we finally walked home and finished our dates the way we normally do, in our sweats watching stupid movies and having a great time. I was having so much fun I didn’t even realise I had fallen asleep.

I woke up the next morning freaking out.

“Shit! Did I sleep here?!?! Mum’s gonna flip!”

Harry walked in with coffee and a plate of pancakes.

“Honey, that’s sweet but Mum’s gon—“

“Your mum knows you’re here. I rang her last night when you fell asleep to tell her that you were going to stay the night and I would drop you home tomorrow.”

“You think of everything don’t you? Well maybe I can enjoy my pancakes.”

“These aren’t for you. There for me”

He smiled and handed me coffee, but he wouldn’t give me the pancakes. I tried to grab them but he pulled them away. Then he dropped them everywhere. It was like we were kids in primary school and just had a food fight. I had a shower and realised I had no clothes, so I had to borrow some of Harry’s. I looked like the biggest dork.

“Now you actually do look like Snooki.”

“Not funny. I look and feel like a boy.”

“Well I still think you’re gorgeous.”


As he dropped me home he yelled ‘I love you” out the window. I smiled when I walked inside Mum had a look of horror on her face when she saw I was wear Harry’s clothes.

“Mum relax, there was just a little food spillage.”

I went into my room and instead of getting changed I stayed in Harry’s clothes. They were warm and I felt comfortable in them. And with that I went to sleep, again.

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