01| A trip

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"MOM!" I yelled. "Where's Casper's food?" I sighed frustrated that I couldn't even find my own dogs food.

"It is already in the car Ava. Now hurry up and get in. Tell the Uber that I'll be out in about 2 minutes with another suit case as a couple of boxes." I sighed again.

We were moving from a small city called Attaway to a huge city known as New York City. It a big jump and I hate leaving all my friends here but I don't have a choice. Ever since dad got that dumb interview to bump up his status in the business department, we had been forced to move there because dad didn't want to leave mom and myself all alone here but he also didn't want to stay apart from us for ages which wouldn't be so bad. I mean he kinda annoying some - all the time.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting but my mom said she'll be out in about-", I checked my imaginary watch, "- now with a suitcase and two boxes." I smiled. As if right on cue, mom walked out, practically falling over - oh the struggle was real - with 1 box on top of the suitcase and the other box in her hand while she dragged the suitcase with both hands. The driver ran up to help while mom just glared at me for not do anything. What can I say? I'm just so excited to be moving.

I got into the car, pulling out my phone to text my friends that I'd be leaving soon and of course, we had a group chat I was bombarded with messages.

Kim- Ava jeez. Are you gone yet? Is that why you aren't responding?

Kiley- Ava man. You're leaving us here with Kim. You're really the worst.

Saph- I agree with Kiley.

Kim- uh I can see your messages you know... 😒😑

Saph- that's the point stupid.

Me- sorry I was packing up. You know my mom. Last minute everything. Plus I'll make sure to visit once in a while to make sure Kim isn't dead. After all, she is my favorite.

Kiley- woah woah woah. We are not besties anymore goodbye.

Kiley has left the conversation

Kiley- add me back in the group chat?

Saph- ok we'll have fun in NYC baby. Give us details. Juicy details if you meet anyone. Make sure to tell us how much you love this city better than New York. Moms calling me so I got to go. Much luv Ava. Xx

Kiley- we will defiantly miss you Ava. Bring back a souvenir. Xoxo.

Kim- miss you already 😢

Me- I'll never forget you guys but have fun without me 😉 not too much fun tho. Luv y'all.

"Why are you always on the damn thing. Maybe I'll have to take it away from you." Mom glared.

"I'm sorry mom. I was just telling the three good bye." I put the phone in my bag.

"Well you won't be seeing them for a while. Thank god." She muttered which caused me to glare a little at her.

The rest of the ride to the Attaway international airport was quiet. The Uber guy asked if we wanted to play music but mom said no before I could say yes. She always made things awkward and a big fuss out of everything like this one time, we went to this restaurant with dad, while he was here, and mom ordered a salad which dad frowned at but didn't question her choices even though she could've ordered something else. After we left the restaurant, mom was feeling hungry again so dad said for her to get something from Starbucks. Mom being herself, started yelling at him, making everyone in the street turn to look at us, about how he never told her to pick something else to eat when she had the choice but then dad said and I quote, "you have a freken brain, pardon my language Ava, and you could've used it to pick something else but no so now you have the option of getting Starbucks. If not then let's go home."

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