09| Mystery Girl

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Dear Annabelle,
I didn't know which other way to contact you since you clearly either blocked me or changed your number. I also can't email you because you either aren't receiving them or are ignoring me. I also tried on social media but you don't seem active so this is the only way I could contact you. I'm sorry for whatever I have done to you. I truly am and please, I only wish for the best out of you but why won't you talk to me. Is it because we've been having a long distance relationship. I thought we were doing fine but I guess I was wrong. I was gonna surprise you and fly over and visit you but when I did come, there was nobody home and I stayed for two weeks. I came each day but it didn't seem as if your family or yourself wanted to see me. I don't know what I did wrong and please, if you read this, tell me what I did wrong so I could fix it. I feel as if I'm going insane not hearing your cheery voice everyday. The only light of my life. You already know my past and my family, please the only one I have is you. Don't give up on us. Please for the love of god, don't give up on me.

I was in tears. This letter was so heart touching but it was sent to the wrong person. I didn't know who Annabelle was and I don't know how to find out who she is. Maybe I should go ask around the house. I mean, school did start only 2 months ago and bell boy has been here longer... right?

I walked out of the room and down the stairs to where Alex was standing. He was having a conversation with the chef, who I lift say was young and hot too. Alex looked at me before excusing himself from the chef. The chef smiled at me and walked away.

"Hey Alex." I greeted.

"Hey yourself. What's up?" He asked back.

"Well I wanted to know how long you've worked here..." I trailed off.

"Uhm.. for about 6 months ya." He replied shrugging.

"Uh did another family live here before I came that you knew of?"

"Oh ya I did. There was a mother, a father, a dog and brother sister twins."

"Can I know the girls name please?"

"Why? Is it important?"

"Very important."

"Uh well her name was Annabelle and the boys name was Jeremy. They moved out a couple months ago though."

"Oh well thank you. Do you know where they lived or whatever? I really need to contact her..."

"I do but I'm really not supposed to tell you. That's private information." He slyly smiled.

"Please please please please pleaseeeeee?" I begged.

"I'm sorry Ava but I can't."

"Why not?"

"It's private information and-"

"It's not like you're going to get fired..." I crossed my arms.

"Don't- fine. Follow me." He rolled his eyes but had a smile on his face.

"Ah thank you." I smiled while we were walking.

He led me to a room that looked like his room. It was a typical boys room. Messy but neat at the same time too.

"Nice room." I commented which he turned a little red at.

"It's quite messy." He shrugged. He pulled out a price of paper and handed it to me. "That's what she wrote before her family moved out, to me. I don't know if I should share it but since you need it, here." He ruffled his hair a bit.

"Thank you." I said while walking out of his room. He closed the door behind me and stayed in his room.

I'm moving all of a sudden and you were a really cool person to hang out with. I loved your pranks on Jeremy and how you always bailed me out from problems with mom and dad. If you ever want to visit me, I'll make sure to visit you but if you ever want to visit me because I will forget, my address is 22 wallaby st New York City. It's not that are from here actually and please don't tell Shawn anything. I can't deal with him right now. There's just so many problems. Anyway, my new phone number is 786 345 6296 and make sure to contact me or I will hunt you in your sleep. Good bye for now.

Aw they were close. That's why he want giving it to me. I headed back ip to my room and pulled out the letter as well as Alex's note. I pulled out my phone and dialed her phone number in. I held my breath and hoped she would pick up. It dialed 3 times before she picked up.

"Hello?" She asked a little cheery.

"Hi. Is this Annabelle?" I asked.

"Whose this?" She replied back.

"My names Ava and I really need to talk to you. Im sorry to be so blunt but please this is important and I don't want to get in the middle of it." I replied.

"How'd you get my number?"

"Alex gave it to me Well more like I pried it off of him." I laughed a little as she did too.

"Well I'm guessing you have my address then too?" She questioned.

"Ya sorry about that. I just needed to contact you."

"No worries. When do you wanna meet mystery girl?"

"Mystery girl? I should be calling you that but anyway is fine by me."

"Are you going to the party on Friday?" She asked.

"Ya. Meet you there?"

"Sure. Sorry I have to go but I'll be wearing a blue dress if you have to find me. Talk to you then bye."

Before I could reply, the dial ended and it was just static. I hung up too and later there in bed not knowing what else to do. I opened my laptop and watched youtubers on YouTube for a bit before I felt hungry and went down to join dad and mom for dinner.

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