27| Advil and Makeup Wipes

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I stood there stunned. I thought I was dreaming. I started to laugh. Everyone looked at me weirdly.

"Honey Ava. You okay?" My dad called out but I couldn't answer. I didn't answer. My mouth was hung open agape as I stared at the girl in front of me. She had long brown hair like mine except mine was shortish. She has dark green eyes while mine were light green and her tan skin looked exactly like mine. She was wearing a black cropped t shirt with black ripped jeans and a pink jacket on top. She looked like me. Okay I could believe the sister part but how long?

"How?" I replied, still standing there stunned.

"I'll let you guys talk. Damien." Damien smiled at dad after squeezing my hand in reassurance. Him and dad walked out of the kitchen after smiling at me. I meekly smiled at them too before taking a step closer to the girl.

"Hi." She whispered which I smiled at. I couldn't form any words. It's like I couldn't talk over all. "Okay so I know this is weird for the both of us. I only found out about you about maybe a year and a half ago but couldn't get in contact with you until this week which I noticed that you didn't know me at all so I'm guessing mom didn't tell you." She continued which I nodded at.

"Sorry. I'm just trying to still process that I have a sister." I shrugged.

"Ya ya. I get it. How old are you anyway?"

"Uh 17. What about you?"

"15. Turning 16 next month."

"Hey my birthday is a month too. What a coincidence." I laughed shaking my head a little while looking down. "We have a lot of catch up on." I say which she eagerly nods her head at.

"If I had to be honest," she continued in her British accent. "I was equally shocked when mom called me, telling me there was a you as my sister. She just told me that you were rude and obnoxious and loud and stuff like that." She sheepishly smiled.

"Hey I just found out about you..." I threw my arms up, laughing a little.

"Do you know where she is? She hasn't contacted me in over two weeks and it's worrying me."

"I don't know if I should tell you this." I looked down, trying to control the tears that were already coming out.

"What? What happened?" She got up off the chair clenching her fists while standing.

"She uh has stage- stage 4 cancer." I fumbled with my fingers waiting for her reaction. She threw her head back and laughed as if I was joking. She stopped once she noticed I was serious. The next second I knew, she was crouched down on the ground, pulling at her hair while she was crying. I quickly got up and and hugged her. I didn't want her going through this alone.

"How long?" She asked after a few minutes of crying.

"2 months." I chocked out, trying to hold my tears back.

"I never seen her in so long. It can't end this way." She cried.

We stayed like that for a few seconds before I picked her up and led her back to the chair she was sitting in, at the table. She put her head down in her elbows and sat there, shaking with tears streaming down her face. It broke me to see her like this even though I didn't know she was even a person. I had no clue who she was yet she felt so close to me in every way. I've never felt more happy before but sad too under the circumstances.

"Hey guys, we-" Dad was cut off by staring at a crying Hannah and a sad me. He looked me in the eyes before nodding slightly and walking away. I guess he got the message.

"Hey. Don't fuss over it. Mom will be back in about over a month and we'll talk to her then. Just calm down for now and we'll see when she comes back." I tried to smooth her down which worked a little.

"Ok." She said while lifting her head up. "But I need some Advil because I have a killer headache right now." She laughed a little while tears were slowly still running down her face.

I ran up to my room quick and grabbed the Advil container before grabbing a makeup wipe too for her face. I didn't want her waking into the living room with mascara running down her face. First impressions are important for a person. She quickly eats an Advil while wiping at her face. I felt like she was more pretty without her full faces makeup but she did look like me. I wonder why she didn't live with us so we could be one big happy family like normal families. I wonder why she was not part of my life until now.

We link arms and walk out to the living room. She smiled at Damien and waves a a little before sitting down next to dad. I sat down next to Damien after before lightly kissing his cheek which he smiled at. He grabbed my hand and placed it in his lap so we were holding hands, while watching whatever shoe dad put on. I kept looking over at Hannah to see she has a neutral face. You could see the wrinkles somewhat all over her face which she probably hides with makeup. Maybe that's why she wears so much. But the stress was evident. I mean, she was younger than me... why have so much stress?

An hour in watching the film, dad got up to leave, saying he had an early call time and had to get up extra early so he needed his rest. I mean, it was 11 pm anyway or close to that. Hannah stayed put, not taking her eyes off the screen except to hug dad good night. Damien shook his hand and dad kissed me on the cheek before walking up the stairs and disappearing.

"Hey. I'm going to go?" He said but it sounded like a question.

"Aw ok. Thanks for the great day." I kissed him at the corner of his mouth.

He smirked at me bridge kissing my hand. He then grabbed my chin and kissed me on the lips before standing up. I led him out to the door where he kissed me in the forehead before walking. Away to his car. I waved as he drove off, closing the door behind me. I walked back to the living room to see Hannah sitting there with the tv off.

"Hey so I was wondering if I could stay in a guest room? I mean if it's not problem..." she trailed off, picking at her nails.

"Oh ya sure. We have a lot so pick one. I'm guessing you'll need some comfy clothes to sleep in?" I asked, looking down at her outfit.

She laughed before replying, "I'm glad you're in my life now." She rolled her eyes which I laughed at. I led her up to my room before handing her grey sweats and plain white t. She thanked me before heading to the room across the hall from mine and closing the door. I guess that'll be her room tonight. I changed into a pair of light pink sweats and a white t as well. I brushed my teeth and quickly fell asleep. The darkness consuming me. What a day.

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