06| Replacement?

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"Today was the best day of my life so far in New York." I spoke into the camera to the three Attaway best friends.

"You better be happy you just added New York in that sentence because I would've killed you if you hadn't." Kim spoke.

After mom had sent me up to my room, I got a text from Kim saying to FaceTime her and to my surprise, Kylie and Saph were in Kim's house doing home work and just wanted to FaceTime me.

"No but today was wild." I said while laughing a little at Kim's comment.

"How? Why? What happened?" They all asked at the same time.

"Woah woah. I'm not that interesting." I surrendered which caused them to roll their eyes with me laughing.

"Spill girl. We need to know." Saph said with a whiny face.

"Ok fine. Well right when we moved here, I unpacked and then an hour later had to head to school-"

"School. That sucks." Kim commented. "On the same day you arrived."

"Ya I know. Anyway, I was asked out while heading to the cafeteria at lunch and still never replied to him even though I gave him my number. Then at lu-"

"Ouu. Ava already got mans!!" Kiley yelled while laughing.

"Kiley shoot man. My moms here and Rebecca is sleeping." Kim slapped her.

"Sorry man. Sorry Kim's little sister." Kiley kissed the wall which caused us to laugh.

"Can I continue now?" I raised a brow.

"Yes!" Saph complained.

"Ok. Well then at lunch, my friend bought me food and I started to eat it. Then this dude, whoever the hell he was-"

"What he hot?" Kim asked.

"KIM!" We all yelled at the same time.

"Yes. I guess he was." I continued. "He thought I guess he could get with me since he looked like a fuckboy but like he took a fry and you know-"

"Not to mess with your food." All three said in sync and I smiled at that.

"Ya and he took a freken fry so I played a long and went close to him  but then brought my knees up to his sun shine and it was just so funny. The whole cafeteria started cheering." All of us burst out laughing. "I then went shopping with those friends and-"

"Oh so we're getting replaced already." Kiley snarled.

"Sure sure. Say that." I replied with a sly smile. "Anyway, we went shopping and bought clothes and then when I came back home mom yelled at me for having detention then I said and I quote my exact words, 'I'll become a gold digger like you and fall for thousands of men before falling for a guy who is sincere and polite and had great manners, just for the money. Oh then sleep with them, have a child, and be extremely rude to them because I will act as if I don't have manners even though my lovely father had taught me stuff unlike your own."

"Dang girl. Didn't know you had the talk in you." Kim cheered while the other two nodded along.

"I didn't either but the fun lasted while it did. Now I'm stuck in my room. Pretty sure I'm grounded and have detention for the rest of the week. And today's only Monday." I groaned flopping down on the bed.

"Oh lord I would hate my life too." Saph laughed.

"Maybe I should go apologize to her. I mean we have been having a hard time but I think I went too far." I bit my lip in annoyance.

"Nah. I would leave it. It's not like it'll approve your relationship anyway. Y'all would still be rude to each other." Kylie commented and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Well it's 8 o'clock here and I have to do home work so I'll talk to you guys later?"

"For sure. Dang right you will. Love you." All three spoke at once.

"Bye guys." With that I ended the call. I layed on my bed for sometime before I heard a knock at the door. "Come in." I yelled.

"Uhm. Sorry to bother you but your dad wants to know if you want dinner." Alex asked looking sincere.

"Nope. You can tell him I'm not hungry." I smiled back.

"Ok. Uhm... if you don't mind me asking.. how come you and your mom don't get along very well?"

I froze. I didn't know what to tell him. Dang it. I shouldn't have yelled at her like that. I knew it was wrong but I can never control myself.

"Uh. We just never had a good relationship from before. It's a long story." I shrugged.

"Oh ya okay. Sorry to intrude. Continue on." He smiled his a gazillion dollar smile before closing the door and walking away.

I sighed and sat there for a moment before pulling out my home work and starting on it. Probably never going to get it done.
I woke up with a headache. I don't know why because I slept so nicely but I did. I stretched first, before getting out of bed then I walked over to my huge bathroom and pulled out Advil from the "drug" cabinet where I kept all the medicine for emergencies. I then look in the mirror and mentally curse myself for not taking a shower last night. I guess I fell asleep while doing my homework but my homework wasn't on my bed. Oh well. I grab the other pair of black ripped jeans which had bigger rips in it and the red top that I had bought yesterday along with a pair of socks, a and undergarments. I grab a towel and got into the shower. To be honest, I hate long showers. Like it gets annoying when you stay in there for so long. I mean, I get annoyed. I don't know about others but I'm differently weird I guess. I step out and pull the clothes on after applying lotion my body of course.

I check the time to see if I have enough time. 7:34 am it read. School started at 8:30. I guess I did have enough time. If you couldn't tell already, I was an early bird. I don't like sleeping for long and I hate sleeping in. That gives me a headache. I grabbed my hair dryer and started to blow dry my hair. I then tied it up in a pony tail, letting a few hairs from the front slip out and curled those. I then applied a little bit of mascara again with a little bit of natural but shimmery eyeshadow and a winged liner and didn't bother to fill in my brows since I had thick brows and put on a little bit of concealer. I then applied a nude lipstick with gloss on top. I slipped on my black booties that I had bought yesterday and looked at myself in the mirror. Job well done I would say.

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