24| Austrailian Shawn

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Side note: I feel proud of myself since I published five-six-seven? Seven chapters yesterday. That was fun. K my phones at 5%! Enjoy!!
I wake up to a sleeping Damien beside me while a phone buzzing causing my headache to increase. I look at Damien who is already looking at me which was kind of creepy, and get up to get an Advil. It was 5:23 am. I didn't want to go to school today but I knew that I would anyway because me being me, I can't survive without school. When I exit the bathroom, Damien had changed his clothes, brushed his hair and looked fresh.

"Where'd you get the clothes from?"

"They were at the back of my car at school so when you fell asleep in the Jeep yesterday, I took my extra pair of clothes and put them in your car." He sheepishly smiled. He was wearing a light pink, beige color shirt that had rips in it with a pair of black sweats. He looked good.

Damien went to the bathroom, while I changed my clothes. I put on black skinny jeans with a white plain t-shirt and a black bomber jacket on top. I put on some white vans and ta da. My outfit. I put my hair up in a messy bun and decided not to wear makeup. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to make Damien and I some breakfast. I made hot chocolate with some pancakes. I placed three pancakes in a plate for Damien and two for me. I placed some fruit on the side which were cut up strawberry's and green grapes with a cup of hot cocoa. There was a note on the table from dad saying he would be home late and left for work early. That's normal. I placed the maple syrup in between our plates and waited for Damien to come downstairs. He came down the stairs a second later, holding a paper and looking like a confused dog.

"What is that?" I asked as he approached me.

"It's a letter from a dude named Shawn?" He started but it came out as a question.

"Oh my lord. What did he say now?" I sighed. Damien's at down and popped a price of fruit in his mouth before reading the letter out loud.

Dear Ava or whoever you are ;),
I'm Shawn. Nice to well we didn't really meet so talk to you? I guess ya. I'm sorry to be sending those letters to you but I didn't know that Annabelle moved away. If you do find and Annabelle in your life, please make sure it's Annabelle Kingsheart and not any other one. That would be awkward. I don't need another Annabelle in my life when I already have the perfect one but thank you for reaching out to me and telling me that she moved out. You see, I kind of, I don't know if I should be telling you this but if you do see her, tell her I am truly sorry since I did kind of cheat on her with her best friend that moved to Australia too. I feel like I committed a miser or something. I feel as if I'm in jail. Please just let her know how I feel. Thank you.

"He's starting to get annoying." I commented first. Damien laughed a little but kept eating his food. It was 6:13 am. Not even an hour has passed by. I picked up our plates and just put them in the sink, not bothering to clean them. Damien watched me from the table while I pulled out a plain white piece of paper and a red pen to write with.

"You're writing back to him?" Damien looks at me as if I'm creating a murder.

"It's just a friendly request to stop sending me letters. It's kind of getting annoying." I shrug while Damien nods his head.

Dear Shawn from Australia,
If I do meet an Annabelle Kingsheart, I'll make sure to give theses to her. That's all I have to say since you are a pretty bad person for cheating on her with her best friend. That was kind of low. Ouch. Anyway, have fun with whoever you are with now and have a great night or day whenever you receive this.

I pull out an envelope and fold up the letter so it fits in the envelope.

"Wanna go for a walk to the mail box?" I ask Damien as he puts his phone down.

"Sure. We got a lot of time." He laughed a little which I smiled at.

I wish I could mail mom, or her just to answer my phone call. I really missed her. Maybe that's why she got me a black dress. For her funeral that I would wish for never to happen soon. I don't want her to die so early. Why didn't she tell us that she had cancer? Maybe she didn't know. Maybe she found out when she went on the trip. Damien grabbed my hand and led me out the door. We walked down the street and and turned left before Damien spoke again.

"Are you going to try to contact your mother?"

"I already tried. She never answered her phone when I called and I can't mail her because I don't have the address to where she's staying. My dad doesn't even know." I shrugged with a sigh.

"Well do you at least know where she went?"

"She went on my grandparents house I think. That's what dad said yesterday. They live in Seattle."

"Oh that's far. About 2 days drive." He hummed which I nodded my head at. I dropped the mail in the mail box and turned around to walk back home.

"Are you feeling okay now? Still sick?" He laughed a little.

"Still sick." I sneezed. "But I'm getting better. Thanks."

"No problem." He winked which I rolled my eyes at. We walked back to the house in silence. Just enjoying the scenery unfolding around us. It was 6:43 by the time we came back. We still had about 2 hours to kill. What a boring start to the day. We decided to watch a move on YouTube. A happy movie which Damien picked Sans Andreas. It was really happy but I loved that movie. They were just all so caring to each other and stayed with each other even through the buildings falling sand tsunami's happening. It was a mess but a mess that brought peace and love to the family that was going to get a divorce.

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