16| Damien

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Damien decided to stay for dinner. I thought dad wouldn't like him but I guess I was wrong. They bonded very easily and now they're close. Talking about FIFA '18 on the math of Belgium vs Japan. Obviously I was voting on Belgium but dad and Damien were voting in Japan and I was always the winner because Belgium won. They freken won. Now they're moving on. Also the incident with Neymar where the opposing team guy stepped on his ankle to grab the soccer ball. Who even does that. That should be a red card. Anyway, chef made us lasagna for dinner but instead of the lasagna strips, he used noodles which was cool. I liked it.

Dad and Damien chatted for a bit and if recused since it was Sunday, that I mhad to finish the homework that I didn't finish off. I plugged my headphones in and laid on my bed, writing down the formulas of math and solving the questions. I laid there for a good half hour doing  home work before the door opened and Damien walked through. He looked sad and mad at the same time.

"What did my dad say?" I asked while sitting up.

"Why didn't know tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"That you have-had a eating disorder." His face softened when he corrected himself.

"I-I..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"Look, I don't feel pity against you if that's what you think. I was just worried because you if all people, I expected that not to be in your past. You're very outgoing and smart and you have great comebacks." He rolled his eyes. "Trust me, I had never expected that from you."

"That's the reason why I'm like this today. I had nothing to live up to. That was also the reason why I have such a bad relationship with my mom today too. I got bullied for being 'soft'." I quoted in the air. "And then I moved schools, beat myself up for being that way and then started to work out and my mom enrolled me in boxing and shit that I didn't like but I'm like this today. I've built up to who I am because of that. Trust me, that was the stupidest thing I had ever done and I'm never going to do that again." I finished with a sly smile.

"That's my girl." He said with a cocky grin.

"I will never be your girl." I smirked.

"Ya. We'll see about that." He smirked back.

"Well are you done talking to my dad now. It's almost 11 pm and I need to go to sleep because there's such thing as school tomorrow."

"See you in gym princess." With that he closed my bedroom door, and I heard the front door closing too. I climbed out of bed, putting my homework away, and fell asleep with a smile on my face.
"Oh my god!" Steph yelled. "What happened to you guys? How come you nor Tina were in contact with us both-" she pointed towards herself and Kevin, "this weekend?" She finished.

"That's because we had plansish." I replied, turning my head to the side.

"Plans? Without us?" Kevin started as well.

It was currently lunch. Tina and I asked them to simply not talk during math since we did need to get our work down which we did. At the end of math, Steph and Kevin bombarded Tina and I with questions which Tina ran away from. She said she had questions from her next class to finish. She never did her homework was her excuse.

"Yes. Plans. Without you two because you guys said you didn't wanna come." I was making up lies.

"We said that?" They both replied in unison.

"Yes. You guys said that which made myself and Tina hang out alone." I faked a frown while putting my finger against my face, acting as if a tear was rolling down.

"You should become an actor." Kevin snarled while rolling his eyes.

"Well you guys grab a table and I'm going to buy myself lunch." I say while walking towards the lunch line.

I grab a tray and stand in line. The lady gives me a paper plate full of fries and a few chicken nuggets with a slice of pizza. I grab a cup full of ketchup to eat this dry food while I ask for a bottle of water. I pull out my wallet was about to hand the lunch lady a ten dollar bill But was stopped with money already being passed by my head. I turn around to see Damien looking at me. He looks at my food, approves, then grabs his change.

"I could've paid for myself." I comment while walking beside him back to our table. 

"It's the least I can do for what your dad told me yesterday." He shrugged.

"I told you. I'm not that girl anymore. I'm tougher now I guess. I like food," I gesture towards my tray, "if you haven't noticed." I roll my eyes.

"I still wanted to pay." He shrugged with a cocky grin on his face.

"You are so full of yourself." I laugh a little while putting my tray down.

"You guys would look cute together." Kevin comments as I take a bite of my nugget.

"Uh huh. Heard that one before." I comment back while chewing my food.

Damien looks at me in shock as if he's just been given news that I cheated on him. What a douche. "You are so mean." He comments after his shock stage.

"I've heard that one before too." I rely with a small smile on my face, while drinking the water.

"Anyway, are you available after school?" Damien asks out of nowhere.

"Nope." I reply popping the p.

"But you seemed to have fun with me yesterday." He smirks.

"As if we did anything. We just looked through a box." I laughed a little at Steph's and Kevin's expression.

"If you guys did something and you turn out pregnant," Steph points a finger at me, "I want to be the grandmother." She finished which I laugh at.

"Trust me. I'm not anywhere near pregnant."

"But you could be." Damien winks which I roll my eyes at.

"You all are so full of yourself."

"Well I'm coming over after school." Damien says, inviting himself over.

"No like actually, I've got track meet and then I have to hand in resumes to job things cuz I need a job."

"Job for what, you are really rich. You could live the rest of your life off your parents money and you'll still be rich." Damien comments.

"Well who's ays I'm going to live forever off their money?" I glare.

"I would." Steph muttered which caused me to glare at her.

"Ya well I'm not like that. Plus I need to figure stuff out so no, none of you guys are coming over." I remark.

"And she's feisty." Damien comments.

The rest of lunch was us arguing about if Damien should come over or not. I've kept to myself and said no. But they all eventually won me over and now apparently Damien is coming over which I don't like but since my dad loves him, he's coming over. What a knock off.

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