34| What Movie?

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"You know. It was a pretty good day considering it started out pretty sucky." I spoke up, making Tina laugh a little.

This morning when I woke up for school, it was 7:34. I never woke up that late. Then I found a note in the fridge saying that mom had a check up for her cancer cure thing nd she made me a smoothie. I spilt most of the smoothie on my white sweats so I had to change into black ones, then I grabbed a granola bar and was driving to school, almost chocked in the br when I almost ran over a cat like why did it decide to come in the way. Then I couldn't find any parking since I was ten minutes late and Damien wasn't in first period which even bummed my mood but it was all good because at lunch, I got pasta with Alfredo sauce high was my fav and a bottle of Gatorade. Damien then showed up at lunch and now it was the end of the day. Damien was at football practice and I went to track. He said we'd meet at my house because he had to go shower and not want to stink so I agreed so I could showers and stuff too but not bridge dropping time off at the mall to meet some of her other friends. If you were wondering about Steph and Kevin, they found another group and are always with them so we don't hang out anymore.

"How was school honey?" Mom asked, siting beside me on the table.

"The usual. How was the check up?"

"They said they sense something else so I have another check up in two days. Do you guys wanna come since it's a Friday. I mean, you never skip school and I wouldn't want you missing work or anything so you don't ha-"

"Im coming mom. You can't stop me." I stopped her rambling, laughing a little.

"Oh good because the three are busy and dad is going to work and I don't want to go alone in case it's worst news ya know." She rubbed at her face, making me pale a little. What if it was worst. What if she was passing sooner than later. I faked a smile, excusing myself to go do homework after taking a shower. Mom said she was going to lie down anyway. Now I'm probably going to be anxious until Friday.

I ran upstairs, closing my bedroom door behind me. I grabbed a pair of black tights as well as a beige oversized knitted sweater. I walked into my bathroom, and took a shower. A nice, long, 15 minutes, relaxing shower. After getting you, I combed through my hair, blow drying it in the process, and brushed my teeth. Satisfied with my hair and outfit, I got out and placed my dirty clothes in a bin and laid down on my bed.

I decided to relax a little before starting on homework. I mean, I didn't have that much homework anyway. Just math and that was easy. I closed my eyes only to and suddenly felt a weight on me. Out of fear, I screamed before opening my eyes only to see Damien, pointing and laughing at me. I pushed him so he fell of my bed, with me laughing at him now.

"Now that wasn't very nice." He frowned.

"Well next time don't jump on me then." I pinged a finger at him.

"Sure. Maybe next time you'll be jumping on me." He wiggles his eyebrows up and down.

"You are a horrible person." I crossed my arms and slouched deeper, under my comforter.

"If I were so horrible then would I have brought snack?" He lifted up a bag and modeling it. "Come on, let's go watch a movie." He pulled me upwards.


"In your theater." He replied in a duh tone.

"I don't have a theater." I replied in a duh tone too.

"You do."




"You do. I'll show you."

We walked down a hallway, turned right and then he opened the first door to the left and indeed, it was a theatre with recliners and a huge screen in front.

"Woah. I didn't know. How did you know?"

"Every house on this street has one." He shrugged.

"But we don't have movies."

"They're in the big cabinet up front. I'll go pick a movie, you got comfortable." I kissed the side of my head then walked off to the front of the theatre. I grabbed a couple of blankets from the back, putting one on the couch for Damien before sitting down on the same couch, draping the blanket over me. I saw him put a CD in the DVD thingy and then jog to turn off the lights. Couldn't we just watch the movies lights on? I hate the dark.

"Ready?" He asked, coming to sit beside me.

"Sure." I croaked out, inching closer to him. He draped an arm around me, kissing my temple before putting the blanket on himself. He pulled out a bag of chips and handed it to me. He then pulled out a bottle of juice, giving it to me. I thanked him, placing it on the side table beside me and continued to eat my chips, waiting for whichever movie to start. "Which movie is it?" I asked.

"It's Annabelle." I could sense the amusement in his voice. I gulped. I never did good with horror movies or films. "Why?"

"No reason." I could feel the shakiness in my voice. I tried calling down but only the flashbacks of the last horror movies I watched came back. There was popcorn all over the floor and I was screaming and disturbing everyone else. It was bad.

"Are you scared?" He whispered close to my ear.

"Scared? Pfft. Me? No." I waved a hand, trying to calm myself down.

"Are you sure because you sound like your about to cry."

"Well then I would say that you made me cry." I smiled a little, getting myself calmer.

"If I ever made you cry then I wouldn't forgive myself." He spoke again, pulling me closer to him. I relaxed into his side, feeling his warmth spread through me. I sighed, the beginning of the movie has started, already ready to scream.

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