9. The Disturbing Truth.

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"Manik there is something that you need to know."
Cabir seemed lost and disturbed, which made me worried as I made him sit down on the sofa in my room while Nandini and Kaira were upstairs in the bedroom.

"What is it Cabir?"
I asked as Cabir looked everywhere in the room but at me.

"You asked me to find out about Kaira's biological parents, which I did, and...."
He choked on his words as nothing came outside his mouth and I knew this wasn't good.

"Say it Cabir, what is it?"
Cabir finally looked at me and said something that I couldn't have ever imagined to hear.

"Her Mother's family killed her parents, its a case of Honor killing, her dad was an Australian and her mother belonged to a typical traditional Rajasthani family."

Honour killing, this was something that I had only watched in movies or read in books, never ever I had heard about honour killing cases in these recent years, and the fact that my baby, didn't even have her biological parents alive was again going to lose her parents when we give her up for adoption.

"Infact Kaira is safe because her parents left her outside the orphanage before they were found and captured by her mother's family."
I didn't know how to react, I looked up towards the bedroom unknowingly and found Nandini standing there looking at us with tears coving her face.

I immediately got up and made my way upstairs, I saw Kaira lying in the middle of the bed with pillows all around her playing with her little toy.
I then turned towards Nandini who was now sitting on the couch with her head buried in her palms, I sighed and just sat down beside her pulling her in my arms as she sobbed against my chest.

"We thought so wrong about them Manik, we hated them for leaving Kaira alone, but we were wrong Manik, they saved her life!"
I didn't knew how to calm her down when i couldn't handle my emotions myself.

"She has already lost her parents once Manik, and now she will lose her parents once again when we are forced to give her up for adoption."
It felt like Nandini could read my mind and said the same thing that I was thinking.

"I won't let our baby go away from us Nandini, I have told you that before and I am telling that to you again, just control yourself for Kaira, look how happily she is playing."
Nandini smiled looking at our daughter who was making baby noises and playing with her stuffed toy.


"I can't do this ma."
I cried holding my mom as she caressed my back. I came to Malhotra Mansion after dropping Nandini and Kaira to Murthy Mansion as we needed some stuff from our house.

"What is it Manik?"
She asked lovingly.

"I can't let Kaira go away from us, I can't let Nandini go, I can't let our little family break like this!"
I know my mom understood me, she knew how close and attached we all got to eachother in these 3 months.

"I know you can't let go of them Manik, but you have to, you knew that this day would come, right from the very beginning."
I couldn't express my emotions and my trauma to my mom as it would get her worried but this feeling of saperation and guilt of not being able to do anything to keep Kaira with us forever was killing me.

"What is it Manik? Tell me what is going on? I know there is something that you are not telling me."
Obviously a mom knows her child better 5hen anyone.

"Kaira's biological parents are dead mom, it was a case of Honor killing, my baby has lost her parents once, and we don't want her to lose her parents again when we give her up for adoption, we can't imagine our life without her now, she is Kaira Manik Malhotra, Manik and Nandini's daughter, we can't give her away, she has made us a better human being, she taught us how to love unconditionally, she taught us how to love eachother and now I am not ready to let either one of them to go away from me."
My mom was quite, I didn't realise that I indirectly told her that I loved Nandini, all that I could think at that moment was how to not let our baby go away from us.

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