1: Awakening

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You don't know what's going on. There's nothing in front of you. Nothing accept darkness. An empty void in front of you spanning as far as the eye can see. You can feel the pull of gravity on your body. You're laying on your back. The surface pressing against you is hard and scratchy. It's some kind of wood. You start to get up but stop when your forehead connects with something solid in the dark.


You teach your hand out, but it bumps against something. The same something your head hit. It's like a wall in front of you. You press your hands on it. It's the same wood you're laying on. It sits barely three inches away from your face. You push on it, trying to move it. It won't budge through all your efforts. You can feel your heart rate increase as you push. The walls are getting closer. Everything is closing in on you. It's too close. Too close.

"T-Too close... Too close!"

A sharp pain explodes in your chest. You gasp for air as your body shakes about. A dim light appears on the wood in front of your face. It's red and growing brighter. You look for where the light is coming from, thinking it was something outside. As you turn your head, the light moves with your gaze. You blink and realize the source of the increasing brightness. It's coming from your eyes.

Something like fire surges through your veins. It pulses through your body, making you feel like you're burning up. You scream as the fire collects in your vision, turning it white. A huge crash echoes above you as a wide beam of energy explodes from your eyes, burning everything it touches. The giant wave of red heat dissipates and your vision returns to normal. You run your head, trying to soothe the aching inside.

The darkness that had once been in front of you was gone. Instead, a huge dirt whole sat before you. You could see the dark clouds in the sky above you. A circular hole was sitting in them, left behind by your laser eyes. You move up slowly, wobbling to your feet, using the burnt dirt walls for support. Digging your hands into the soil, you climb up several feet, making your way out of the hole.

You plant your feet on the ground once you reach the top. Dead grass crumbles beneath your bare feet. You look back into the whole you'd crawled out of. Your heart drops once you see the wood case at the bottom of the hole. It was more than a case. It was a symbol of death.

It was a coffin.

You've come up from the grave to a new world.


Dark Earth (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now