6: Town

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The town with no name doesn't look like it deserves one. The walls surrounding the small cluster of buildings are nothing more than strips of rusted metal aging tape. Tall rickety buildings stand around you as exposed wires running from rotting poles blow in the wind. The streets themselves are filled with people of all different sizes milling about. You have to hold Dim's small hand in order to keep from getting separated.

"This way to the shop."

As she leads you through the bustling crowd, you can feel the eyes of a ton of people fall on you. By normal standards, your clothes and build aren't especially impressive. However, everyone around is in a far worse state. Their clothes are nothing more than strips of fabric draped over their thin and frail bodies. You stand close to Dim, trying to avoid the crowds.

"This place is... nice."

"Don't lie. The town has never been one to look at. It's just one of the only guarded pieces land left in this area, so a lot of people live here."

"There isn't a big city or something for these people?"

"No. All the major cities were pretty much destroyed when the first monsters attacked."

She leads you deeper into the town. The crowds of people become denser as you walk. After a while, she takes you to the side into a small hut stained green. Inside the building, small tables and shelves covered the floors and walls, covered in old papers, glass bottles, and strange objects you can't quite identify. At the back of the store, a shorter man stands behind a wood counter. He looks up from his work for a moment to see Dim and yourself walk in.

"Dim? Been a while since I've seen you," he mutters. "How've you been?"

"I... I'm okay," she responds.

"You sound better. Who's your friend?"

"This is (Y/N). He's a friend of mine. Helped me with some monsters in the waste."

"Huh. Doesn't look like much to me," he says.

"Trust me... he's more than enough."

You look to the side, avoiding their gaze. Hearing her talk about you like that made your chest feel funny. You go and stand beside her as the man digs around underneath the counter.

"So what do you need?" the man asks.

"Supplies for a trip. Maps, food. Anything that can help."

"Oh? Off on a long journey? Heading to Doomwood?"

"No. We're going to the tower."

The man suddenly stopped, raising his gaze up to Dim.

"Why're you heading up there?" he asks slowly.

Dim gestures over to you. The man moves to look at you. You can feel his eyes burn holes into you as he stares you down. He squints, trying to figure you out.

"Who'd you say you were again?"

"I'm... (Y/N)," you say, not very convincingly.

The man steps around the counter, coming up to you. He comes up to your shoulders, but he still looks a little intimidating. As he scans you over, he notices the tattoos on your wrist.

"Those marks... Why do you have them?"

You look over at Dim for assistance. She shakes her head and sighs. It looks like you're going to have to tell the truth.

"They're things I get when I... do something sometimes."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"All I know is that sometimes when I do something new and crazy, one appears on my wrist."

"Can you show me?" he asks.

"I don't... know how to fully control it."

The man shrugs and walks back around the counter, returning to work.

"In the tower, there are markings like those. Bands of black stuff that cover the pillars and walls. No ones sure what the tower is or where it came from. It can't be destroyed for scrap and can't be moved from the hill it's on. It's like it's immortal or something."

He pulls up a pack of white things that look like apples and a few sheets of loose paper, handing them to Dim. She takes them and hands him a small blue gemstone.

"If you're connected to the tower or something," he continues, "then you'd better watch your back. Nothing good ever comes from that place."

"Uh... thanks."

"Sure thing. Now, get out please."

Dim started to move out of the store, stuffing everything into the bag as she hands it over to you.

"Can you carry these please?"

"Sure. I..."

You trail off. You feel something stretching at the back of your mind. It's noisy and annoying and fast.

"(Y/N)?" Dim asks. "What is it?"

"There's... something coming."

Dark Earth (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now