11: Herd

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Your fist connects with the monsters body. It shakes and shimmers like water before falling back and splashing into a gross grey puddle. Dim clings onto your back. If you were still holding like before, you wouldn't have been able to fighting with both hands. Of course, considering all that you can do, you doubt it would be necessary. You hope him can hold onto you with her one arm as you move, running around the dozens of Dirt Lurkers, trying to escape.

"(Y/N), why aren't you attacking!? You can fight them!"


Another one of the Dirt Lurkers charges forward quickly. Your eyes heat up and a laser blast erupts from them, blowing a clean hole through the beast and one behind it. With each kill, the other monsters only grow angrier. It getting much more dangerous. You can feel you chest tighten, but it's not out of fear. It's out of rage.

"Just hang on... I need to think..."

Dim pants, struggling to hold as as you dart out of the way from a biting head. Her grip on your shirt collar has loosened. The injury in her leg is sapping her strength, and your janky movements aren't helping any.

"(Y/N)... what's wrong?... why aren't you... attacking?"

You barely hear her. You swipe your hand to the right, slashing through the space and blasting a Lurker to ribbons. In the distance, the Bone Lurkers watch from their white piles as the carnage continues. It doesn't look like they want to get involved.

"(Y/N)! What's wrong?!"

"I... I can't let you get hurt again! I said I'd protect you, but you got hurt! And these... things..."

Your body burns. Your vision goes blurry. Rage fills you, but you fight it back.

"I have to run... to protect you... But there's too many!"

"I understand... but please... don't worry about me," she begs. "I'll be fine. Just do what you need to. I will-"

A monster bursts from the ground behind you. It swings at you with a head fist, biting at you. You're so preoccupied with the Lurker in front you that you don't react in time. Instead of hitting you, they monster connects with Dim. It's rotten teeth dig into her left side, cutting her skin. She cries out and clings to you, fighting through the pain.

"No! Dim!"

She doesn't respond. She's still hanging on, but she's on the verge of passing out. She's in bad shape and won't last much longer. More and more of the Dirt Lurkers pop out of the ground, converging on you. The fire grows hotter than ever inside you.

"I have to stop these... abominations... They're evil... They hurt you... They have to die... I'll kill them! I'll kill them all!"

You lose yourself. Everything is moving on its own. You instantly appear in front of one of the monster, ripping off the six eyed hand head as you blast the one behind it with hot energy, burning it to ash. Both fall dead on the ground as you wave your hand, sucking the energy out of three of them, turning them hard like stone. They crumble away as you jump up and land on one, punching through its wet body with your bare feet. You don't feel a thing.

"I'll kill... I'll kill them all... Die... Die die DIE!"

One by one, each beast falls to your might, dying in terrible ways, only to be replaced by another. After sending one flying into pieces with a devastating punch, the monsters start to retreat, knowing they can't beat you at the moment. You don't want them to escape though. You want to kill them. You need to.


You chase them. You kill them. You kill more. They're tainted. Horrible. Evil. They shouldn't exist. They aren't allowed to exist. Rage and disgust floods you mind, blocking everything else out. You can't remember who you are. All you know is death, and you want to give it to them all. Your field of vision goes a deep crimson before suddenly plunging into darkness.

You slowly open your eyes, experiencing what seems to be your first headache. Rising up, you remember the fight, and they way you'd felt. It was strong, unbearable. It hurt. You were scarier than the monsters. Looking around, you see where you're at. On all sides of you, corpses are piled up, bleeding dirty green fluid from their mangled bodies. There's not a living Dirt Lurker in sight.

"Woah... What... Did I?..."

You rise up, looking around. Everything around you is dead. In the boneyard, you can see the fearful eyes of the Bone Lurkers peering out from their piles. The fighting is over.

"I don't remember half of this... Wait..."

You look back. There's no arm around your neck. No white haired head handing on your shoulders. Dim is nowhere to be seen. You try to feel for her, but you don't sense anything. You dig through the piles of dead grey flesh, thinking she might be buried. She's not there. You'd lost her during the blackout.

"Dim! Dim, where are you?!"

You stand high on the bleeding piles, searching around for any sign of her. You can feel your heart race as you look. In the distance, you can see large craters from where the last few Dirt Lurkers had dug during their escape, burrowing away from you. There were some foot prints near the holes, along with something you recognized. A brown blanket, shifting in the wind. They'd taken her.

The fire returned. You were going to get your friend back from the monsters.

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