8: Changes

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A cold wind blows over you, though you don't feel it. In fact, you don't feel much of anything in regards to pain. Your bare feet walk across the cracked, charred ground with ease. The wind pulling at you feels like a gentle breeze. It's as if the world around you isn't really there. The same can't be said for Dim, however. She clutches onto her coat, trying to hold it in place with her one arm. The two of you have been walking for nearly a day since the unnamed town. You haven't talked about it all. You hope that she isn't too upset about being run out.

It's getting colder out and she can't stay outside. You're not sure what the nights are like, but if the day is anything to go off of, they must be pretty brutal. You should find somewhere to hunker down for the night. In the distance, the start of a small mountain range sits somewhat nearby. The rocks making it up are jagged and crooked. It's seems likely that there would be a cave in the hills.

"We should rest soon," you say. "What about up in the mountains?"

She looks ahead and nods.

"Yes. It would probably be for the best."

You both start off for the mountains. The sky grows dark above you as night begins to fall. After a quick climb up the side of the mountain, you are able to find a small cave; big enough for two people and a fire, but not big enough to be comfortable. Still, you're out of time, and with no other options, you climb into the cave. Sits on a rock in the corner, pulling off the cloak and panting.

"I haven't had to walk this far... in a while. I was hoping to spend the night in town."

"Yeah. Sorry about that."

"It wasn't your fault. You defeated those two monsters."

"But they wouldn't have come if I hadn't have killed the first one. They were only just looking for me."

"But... if you hadn't... it would have gotten me... You saved me, remember?"

She looks at you with her pale blue eyes. You haven't seen that emotion sitting in them before. It looks like something more than admiration. You blush and move into the cave. Since there's not a whole lot of room inside, you end up sitting directly beside her.

"Y-Yeah, I remember."

You both remain silent, staring straight ahead as the awkwardness builds. The strange tension is too much for you to bare, so you quickly think up a way to break it.

"So, what are those things? Those... Dirt Lurkers?"

"They're people, or rather, were people once."

"What? Really?"

She nods. "When people die, their bodies start to change, and they turn into a Lurker, but that hasn't happened in a long time. My parents told me that it used to happen a lot a few years ago. They don't do it very much now though."

They were once people. The monsters you fought were all once living people. You wonder if they have any memories of their past lives, or if they're just mindless beasts. Dim reaches into the bag and pulls out a small red flower. She gathers up a few tried twigs strewn about the cave, placing them in a neat pile at the center. Taking the flower and placing it on top of the pile, she hits it with a rock and the whole thing bursts into flame, creating a small fire.


"I take it you don't remember that either?"

You shake your head, still stunned by how she was able to make a fire from one little flower.

"Do you remember anything from before you woke up? Like, any general details?"

"No. I don't remember anything like monsters or... whatever caused everything to die."

"Those were the monsters too. Back then, when you died, your body would suck up the surrounding life. Everything around the world was drained, leaving everything like this..."

You definitely don't remember that. Everything seems backwards. You have a picture of what the world should look like. Everyone should be living happily. Destruction and death shouldn't be so common. There should be some sort of order to the world. You don't know why you have these ideas, but you do. Lifting you arm, you can see the three tattoos on your wrist. They must mean something.

Dim looks over at you as you examine your wrist. She reaches out with her one hand, taking your arm lightly. Her touch is soft and slightly cold, but it makes your body warm.

"And those tattoos... you don't know what they are either?"

You shake your head in response, too flustered to force any words out.

"If there really are answers at the tower and you do remember something... what will you do?"

"... I suppose that would depend on the answers."

She sighs and let's go of your arm, though you almost don't want her to. The fire still burns in front of you, heating up your feet. The night wind howls at the mouth of the cave, racing through the wasteland. Dim yawns, exhausted after the long day you'd shared.

"You should get some sleep," you say. "I'll keep watch for anything."

She nods, leaning back against the stone wall as she closed her eyes. You watch forward out the cave entrance when you feel something press against you. Dim has slid over in her sleep. Her head rests gently against your shoulder. You smile and let her sleep, happy to see her comfortable.

Strangely enough, you don't feel sleepy. At all.

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