The True Story

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You are a god. Maybe not really, but you're a god like being. You have powers no one can dream of. You control everything; energy, space, matter, time, even life.

You decided, long ago, that you wanted to make a world. A perfect world. A world of peace where everyone there could live in happiness. So, to do so, you created the tower to amplify your power. You took it and used it to build a planet, and put everything on it, from plants to animals to people. You design everything to make their lives paradise.

However, doing so drains you. You fall asleep for thousands of years. When you wake up, you look out and see how the world is. Unsurprisingly, the world isn't perfect. People are fighting, struggling, dying. Nothing is perfect. That sucks.

So you decide to try again. You wipe the slate clean and try again. You make a new system. One that will hopefully endure peace. You can't keep anything from the old world. It's pain would eventually infect everything else. You don't want any pain, any sadness. You just want a perfect world, and you certainly have the power to make it. You just need practice.

After countless attempts, you make another world with another system. You go to sleep like normal. This time, something goes wrong. Really wrong. Something arrives from somewhere else. Something you didn't make. It's been watching you for a long time, and it knows what you've done. It's afraid of you and your power.

It comes to your newest earth. It amasses an army. It uses what you've created and turns it against you. It goes to the tower, climbing in through the windows and pounding on the walls. The natural defenses aren't enough to keep it out. It tries to kill you in your sleep, but even when your passed out, you're tough enough to withstand any blow.

So it comes up with a plan B. It takes you away, ripping you from your tower, hurting your mind in the process. It takes you away and hides you in pile of bodies. The humans had started to let those pile up after it had arrived, so they could deal with them later. Soon you're buried, put in a box and left alone.

Humanity struggles along, dealing with it. Nearly everyone is dead. It knows what it's doing it wrong, but it has no other way. It knows that non-existence is worse than pain, and it's not going to let that happen again.

It waits, not sure whether you'll wake up still or not. Eventually though, you do, and you start to make your way back to the tower. It tries to stop you, but even with amnesia, you're still stronger. If you remember and make it back to the tower, that's it. It's fear would be right, and that'd be the end of another planet. Even if it hadn't come along, you still would have reset everything.

You just can't seem to understand the perfection of imperfection.

But what do you care?

You're a god.

Dark Earth (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now