Chapter 41//Emilio

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When I got the phone call that Ivan was in the hospital, I hunged up and got ready.  I'm not sure what happened but it's not going to be good. 

I got to the hospital and Katie, Ivan's social worker is sitting and waiting.  I walked up to her and sat down.

Katie-Good Afternoon Mr-
Emilio-No it's not a good afternoon, want to know why, my boyfriend is in the hospital and I can't see him
Katie-Mr.Prez just sit and claim down, the doctor is going to check up on us any second
Emilio-You said this hopsital is supposed to make him better
Katie-I know, this takes long for his trama

I sit down and the doctor called me, when I got in there, he was crying and he looked at me.

Ivan-Get Emilio out
Dr.Shapp-We can't bring Jace in her Iv
Emilio-Ivan, what's going on
Ivan-I don't want you, I'm breaking up with you, your the whole reason why I'm here
Emilio-You don't mean this, I'm going to stay right here by your side Iv
Ivan-Your wasting your time, I'm in love with someone else
Emilio-To bad, your still my brother

I walked out because I was on the edge of breaking down, I called Ruban and he too think he is just saying that.

I gone back in and Ivan was hunging with that Jace guy, they were laughing and holding hands, maybe he is in love with someone else.

Just Brotherly Love-EmivanWhere stories live. Discover now