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( i've promised this to a lot of people so here it is, a solely unproblematic chapter of just dramione so that you won't hate me later for whatever i do to them )

"Okay so I won at muggle chess and Scramble and now I'm going to win at this." Draco said confidently as he looked at the twister game that Hermione had just produced.

"First of all it was Scrabble and you won by three points which is virtually none and secondly I am a pro at Twisted." She gave him a smug smile and set out the large mat with coloured circles on. Hermione and Draco had been playing board games for hours on end and unlike the name suggested they had not once gotten bored.

Draco gave Hermione a smile and widened his eyes, if there was one thing they had in common it was that they were two of most competitive people at all of Hogwarts.

Hermione gave Draco and equally serious game face and spun the dial, not once breaking eye contact with the blonde.


The plastic dial landed on and so Hermione stuck her foot on the red circle closest to the edge, she would soon go back and realise she had not thought this out.

Draco spun the dial and watched as it landed on yellow, he was still unsure of the rules but he wouldn't let Hermione see him sweat so he stuck his hand on a yellow circle.

She nodded along with his move as though trying to think about what to do next, in truth she found Twister very easy but she wasn't focused on the game at the moment; she was focused on something much more important with devilishly handsome grey eyes.

Hermione moved uncomfortably and spun the plastic dial as it landed on green, reluctantly she reached across the mat and placed her other leg on a green circle. The brunette smiled triumphantly and then turned to see Draco's reaction.

She instantly noticed that they were so close she could still smell the cake in his breath. It wasn't uncomfortably close though, not like she's always felt it was with Ron. It gave her a way of taking in his features that were sometimes overlooked or hidden. She noticed that his hair wasn't as platinum blonde as she'd once thought it was but was nearing a golden yellow blonde. She admired his hair as it fell not so gracefully into his eyes. She didn't dare look at his eyes, she already knew the emerald greenness of them and how easy it was to get lost in their depths. But one thing she hadn't noticed was the few small freckles he had across his nose, almost invisible but not quite. She couldn't help but smile at this feature in particular, it was another thing she learnt about him and the more she learnt the more she liked about him. Obviously she knew there would be things she would learn that she wouldn't like such as what he did during his time as a death eater, this was Draco Malfoy after all. But for now he was just a boy playing Twister and she was just a girl who was falling faster than she cared to admit. Literally and figuratively.

Draco moved his other hand to a red circle, Hermione was sure he'd done it just to be close to her but she didn't want to say anything in case he got defensive.

Hermione moved an arm down onto a green circle as the game instructed her to although the particular circle meant that her and Draco's faces were almost touching, this was just a bonus.

Draco used all of his might to not let his game face drop but Hermione's eyes were so soft it was getting harder for him to keep his wall up by the second.

He tore his face away from hers and spun the dial as it landed on blue, moving his leg onto a blue circle. It was getting increasingly harder for them to ignore the lack of distance between them considering Hermione's breath was hot against Draco's neck.

He held in his own breath trying not to let the beautiful girl beside him distract him but he was struggling.

Eventually he looked up to see Hermione's piercing eyes looking back at him, their heads parallel and looking intently at the other's.

Draco leaned in to Hermione so that they're lips were touching, barely, but still touching.

Hermione's lips curled into a smile and she pressed them against Draco's. At that instant she fell down from her uncomfortable position onto another random circle and looked up at Draco.

He had a smirk on his face "Told you I always win." he said smugly and Hermione scowled at him in return, inwardly cursing herself.

"I hate you, Malfoy" she muttered.

"Oh really?" Draco replied, his smile turning into an amused curve.

"Yes." she nodded and then cracked a smile "I know a game you won't win"

Draco's eyes widened with intrigue "What is it?"

Hermione raced into the kitchen and produced a dusty book "Baking contest"

Draco scoffed "Don't be ridiculous I know a brilliant spell for baking"

Hermione shook her head "Baking contest muggle edition."

Draco looked repulsed "Why on earth would I do that, Granger?"

Hermione laughed "You're right, if you think it's too difficult I completely understand."

Draco shook his head vigorously "I didn't say that." he sighed in defeat "Hand me the book."

Half and hour and 3 broken bags of flour later Hermione's plastic cat timer went off signalling that their creations were ready to be taken out of the oven.

Draco shot up out of the sofa where he'd been reading Lord of the Rings and opened the oven to reveal two cakes, one beautifully golden and the other charcoal black.

Draco picked up the golden cake and marvelled at it "Look at my masterpiece."

Hermione shook her head, walking over to join him "Don't be ridiculous, that's mine. Look it even has the sticker I stuck on it before we put them in."

Draco reluctantly put the cake down on Hermione's counter and removed his own cake.

"I don't understand" Draco whined "They were both in at the same temperature and time why is mine black."

Hermione smiled sympathetically at him "Draco, you didn't measure out any of your ingredients maybe that has something to do with it."

Draco looked at her and sighed in defeat "Fine you win but this is the only time it's happening so don't get used to it."

Hermione gave him a gentle nudge, the electricity at the contact was instant. "If you're mean you can't have any" she stated matter of factly.

Draco put his arms up defensively in response and gave her a wide eyed grin "I didn't say anything mean"

Hermione rolled her brown eyes at him and her hair flopped in front of her face delicately.

Draco rolled his eyes back mockingly and moved the hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ears in the same clichè way Hermione had seen people do in the movies. She understood why girls liked it so much, she could feel her stomach doing summersaults and if Draco's intense eyes were anything to go by the summersaulting wouldn't be stopping anytime soon.

She wasn't wrong.

Draco moved his face closer to hers, their eyes locked on the other's. Hermione found herself shell shocked, she was instantly nervous for the first time she was around Draco. She was awfully aware that it was the Draco Malfoy that she was about to be kissing, a man whom had kissed most of Hogwarts.

However, the moment their lips touched the nervousness instantly melted away. Hermione could taste the sweet frosting that Draco must have snuck into his mouth when she wasn't looking which made her smile into their innocent kiss. 

She felt Draco smile back and pull away reluctantly for breath.

She tried to wipe the smile off of her face but the mission was fruitless, she was far too happy in his company.

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