thirty five

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"Have you got everything you need?" Molly asked, handing Hermione a slightly battered brown paper bag filled with an assortment of sandwiches and cakes.
Hermione clasped the bag as she pulled her own backpack on with ease. She smiled gratefully at the mother Weasley, "I think so, thank you so much!" Hermione replied, searching through her pockets for the map.
"Is this what you're looking for?" Draco asked, laughing lightly and handing her his map.
Hermione grinned and spun around to give Draco a kiss of thanks.
"Perfect." She replied, smiling back at the blonde boy in front of her.
"Alright. Let's get this over with." Ron grumbled, walking in with a hunch in his walk.
"Thank you." Hermione smiled at Ron, he may act tough but he's risking his life for them.
"The tunnel to Hogwarts is just at the end of your street." Draco told Ron, "so we won't have to do much overground walking."
Ron nodded, not showing any warmth towards Draco.
They set off moments later, each with a backpack filled with things. The surroundings of the Burrow looked just like she remembered them, as though she were 12 again and happily escaping her muggle life.
"Down you go." Draco motioned to Ron, showing him the ladder that led into the dark tunnel, Hermione went next, followed Draco.
The second Draco hit the ground, the three of them set off at a quick pace. There were people patrolling the underground corridors and so they'd have to be quick before someone spotted them.
"So Hermione, what was it you were saying about this being a fake world?" Ron asked her as they jogged through the tunnels, with a smirk on his face that was conveniently hidden from Hermione.
Hermione rolled her eyes, she could hear the smirk in his voice from the many times he'd teased her over her work or her books, during their relationship.
"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, you help us defeat Voldemort and everything will go back to how it was." Hermione replied firmly.
"And if you're wrong?" Ron asked, his smirk disappearing and being replaced by a chilling tone. Hermione couldn't think of a response, if she was wrong she was stuck in this world and that wasn't something she was prepared for.
"Then Voldemort is defeated, no harm." Draco replied for her.
Ron scowled, hidden from the others due to being at the front.

As they raced through the corridors Alex's words stuck in her head. "I'm going to help you. I'm going to let you choose."
She'd already chosen. She'd chosen her real world over this one. This was how to prove it.
She turned to look at Draco, even if this world was perfect, it wasn't real. She couldn't give up her whole life for a fantasy.
"We're almost at Hogwarts." Draco called to the others, interrupting Hermione's thoughts.
"That's not possible. Hogwarts is miles from the Weasley's." Hermione replied.
"Magic." Ron responses, as though it were obvious, "I thought you were the smart one."
Hermione rolled her eyes once again, she seemed to constantly do it whenever she was around Ron.
"We can stop up here for the evening and then strike tonight when they're all asleep." Draco said as they approached a descending ladder.
The three climbed up the cold metal rings into a bright yellow room.
"Is this the right place?" Hermione asked, her eyes still adjusting to the sheer amount of yellow.
"I should hope so." A voice called through, entering the room. "Theres a spell on the room, anyone with potential for a good heart can see the yellow. Anyone without it only sees an empty room and are instantly motivated to leave, just in case someone tries to pay a surprise visit." Luna said, guiding the group into the actual house. "We're only half a mile from Hogwarts. I thought someone should keep an eye on it with everyone else doing so much to help defeat Voldemort."
"You've done a lot, Luna." Ron replied, a warmth in his voice Hermione had forgotten existed.
"Thank you, Ron. Now, would anyone like some tea? I have bubblegum or jasmine."
"I think just our rooms for now." Hermione smiled back, her whole body aching.

Once in her own room, Hermione threw herself onto the bed. She lay back and shut her eyes, only opening them moments later when she felt a warm pair of arms wrapping themselves around her. She slowly lifted her eyelids to see Draco. She smiled, she felt safe.
She could feel his warm, apple scented, breath on her face and couldn't help but let out a light laugh. This was one of the best feelings. It made her want to choose this world so badly her smile quickly dropped as she remembered she couldn't. She had to choose the real world.
And then it hit her, that wasn't the choice she had to make. She had to choose between having Draco and saving everyone else.
Her face instantly fell as tears formed in her eyes. She'd forgotten how euphoric she felt whenever she was with him. And now she had to give him up. Again.
"Draco.." Hermione mumbled, sitting up. She quickly rubbed her eyes.
Draco sat up, a small smile on his face that instantly vanished when he saw her face.
"I have to say something." Hermione said, barely audibly. She knew what she had to do. She had to make sure there was no chance for them. She had to be the hero she'd always read about.
"Draco. Being with Ron again has reminded me of the person I used to be." She took a deep breath, "the good person I was before I met you." she knew this was wrong, he'd changed her for the better, she was more relaxed. "I cant believe I was ever with you. With a villain like you." She said, tears starting to fall faster. "Ron's reminded me of the good in the world that you'd hidden me from. I'm sorry. After this mission I don't ever want to see you again." She said and let out a sob as a multitude of feelings of pain grew in her heart.
She looked up at Draco and saw he was gone. So was the room. She'd become suspended in a black void.

Since this story is coming to an end, I've started another Dramione one which you should go check out!

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