thirty eight

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2 years later
Draco pulled open the door to the taxi, holding his hand out to help Hermione from the taxi into the dark streets. He raised his wand in his other hand, shielding the two of them from the downpour of rain.
"Charming of you." Hermione teased, a slight smile on her face as she departed the taxi, her silver heels slipping slightly on the wet pavement.
"I know, my gentlemanly ways are terribly underrated." Draco replied, his arm helping her to steady herself.
"Well you'll just have to find a lover who appreciates them." Hermione shrugged, grinning and leading him towards the restaurant in front of them. "I hope I'm not overdressed." Hermione bit her lip nervously as the sound of laughter and various voices grew louder.
"You look stunning." Draco replied, his eyes reluctant to leave hers.
The brunette smiled back, tugging at her burgundy slip dress as she self consciously headed into the bustling restaurant.
Instinctively Hermione grew wary — she'd had to deal with a lot of reporters — but then noticed that it was only Ginny.
"Ginny!" Hermione responded and quickened her pace to embrace her best friend, "You look amazing!" She grinned, "pregnancy suits you."
Ginny rolled her eyes, "It also makes me starving, come on. Let's eat."
Draco caught up with the two, "That's one statement I agree with." He nodded and followed the redhead to their table. At the table sat the most unlikely group of people to be sat together. Pansy was deep in conversation with Neville about Parisian plants whilst across from them Dean, Seamus and Theodore were discussing Quidditch. Hermione's eyes gazed over everyone as she took a seat beside Draco and Harry, who was urging Ginny to drink more water.
"So Hermione, how does it feel to be another year older?" Harry asked, handing her a glass of wine.
"I don't feel much wiser, definitely taller though." She nodded.
"Any wiser and we'll have to start worrying." Her best friend responded, "It's good to see you. And to see everyone together it's strange but it feels familiar."
Hermione nodded, "Where's Luna?" She asked, looking at two empty seats on the other side of the table.
"She did RSVP. She put plus one too." Draco replied, looking at the door. "Oh." He muttered when he finally saw Luna and her date arrive.
"What?... Oh." Hermione's eyes finally focused on the glowing couple.
"Hi guys!" Luna grinned, "Happy birthday, Hermione! Wow you look amazing. I hope it's okay to bring Ron. When you mentioned everyone would be here I couldn't not invite him!" Luna gushed the second she was in her seat.
"I think you could've. Very easily." Draco muttered, loud enough for half the table to hear but luckily not the new couple.
"It's fine. Really." Hermione smiled at the two, "The past is the past. Forgive and forget." she nodded.
"If we forgot them we'd repeat our mistakes." Harry mumbled, earning a grin from Draco.
"Potter's right. But it's your night." Draco smiled at his girlfriend, "ready to order?"
Hermione nodded and informed the waitress of her order, the others following suit.

After their mountains of food had been delivered and eaten, everyone leaned back against their chairs, defeated by the inordinate amount of food they'd consumed.
"Alright." Ron mumbled, "I'd better be off." He said and started to get up as a waitress came and brought round a delicious chocolate cake.
Hermione sat up straight away, her mouth watering at the sight. On top was a fondant book with something on it that Hermione has to double check was definitely there.
All eyes turned to Draco as he picked up the diamond ring from the cake.
The young blonde tried to his his nerves as he turned to face Hermione, "Miss Granger, we've had quite a journey. And I wouldn't change a second, you've made me a better person. You've changed my life in a way I never thought anyone could. You're the most vivacious, kindhearted person I've ever met and without you I don't know what I'd do. When I was engaged to marry Astoria, all I felt was dread, anxiety and anger. But the idea of marrying you fills me with more positive emotions than I could've imagined. So would you, Hermione Jean Granger, be my wife?" Draco asked, speaking slightly faster than usual as his nerves took a hold of him.
Hermione looked up at Draco, a teary smile on her face. "Draco, I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else." She beamed and held out her hand as he slipped the ring onto her finger.
The table applauded, almost everyone in tears themselves at the sight of their best friends happiness.
"If I'm not maid of honour, I'll sue" Ginny grinned at the couple and got a laugh from the rest of the table.
"Yeah, congratulations." Ron said, not a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
As talk of the wedding soon consumed the table, Hermione leaned back against the chair, her hand intertwined with Draco's as she admired her new fiancé and his beautiful features. She knew this would last, that this was it. She'd found true happiness in her friends and in Draco.

wow, can you believe this story's over? i've been writing this for over a year now and it feels strange not to have this story anymore. i get very sentimental about things so don't mind me! because i'm a total dramione nut i'm planning another dramione fanfic / have already written three chapters. but thanks for all the support, i never thought i'd get 1 read on this never mind the crazy amount i've gotten.

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