twenty eight

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Hermione scrunched her eyes up in annoyance, how on earth could she let this happen?
Her eyes darted at the hooded figure who creeped along the corridor. She nudged Draco who cast the spell on the figure and then pulled herself further away from him. Every damn time. She hit herself silently. She should know better. The boy's engaged! How could she do this? She didn't want to think about it. So instead she notified the others that they'd cast the spell on their target and then she apparated herself to where they'd agreed to meet and was followed closely by the blonde who's lips she had just been kissing. She waited as the rest of the group gathered until there was only two people to come.
The group started to grow restless, Harry and Neville were no strangers to danger but surely they wouldn't confront their villain themselves. That'd be suicide.
"They're probably just late." Hermione muttered to the group. Hoping she was right for everyone's sake.
But after ten minutes of waiting and no one else joined them, everyone started to get concerned. Finally someone else teleported in. Harry.
Harry looked normal bar two red blushes on either cheek.
"Hey guys." Harry said, he looked almost embarrassed as he rubbed the back of his neck and gave the group a forced smile, "that wasn't our guy. It was Slytherin going to meet his boyfriend." He said and watched as the faces around him fell. He didn't tell them how he'd tried to save the day by confronting the young teenager. Or how the teen had screamed and started crying before realising it was the famed Harry Potter. He certainly didn't tell them how he'd bought the teens silence by giving him his signature.
Hermione's eyes widened, "So what do we do now?" she raised her hands to her head and massages her temples as she always did when she needed to think.
"Well.. Neville's guarding the door now. But other than making a poor first year Slytherin cry, by using the weakening spell. Nothing else made him cry. I don't think we've accomplished much." Harry replied nervously as the shoulders of his comrades sunk.
"No. We can't give up." Hermione said with a fierce expression on her face, masking her feelings of fear.
"Hermione." Harry said as he always did when she grasped at things that were too far gone.
"We can't come up with a new plan in a number of seconds. Let's just tighten the security on the castle for now and try again tomorrow." He said and motioned for the group to do as he said.
They all apparated out to do as Harry had instructed apart from Draco, Hermione and Harry. Hermione smiled at Draco for his loyalty and then turned her head to frown at Harry. "Harry! That was completely unprofessional. In these circumstance I am your boss. Not to mention that I highly doubt a few spells are going to stop a mastermind from getting inside Hogwarts." She said in frustration, racking her brains for a plan.
"Look, I know everything is tough right now. And this is probably more about other things than this case but you need to understand, we can't do anything more than what we've already done." Harry replied.

Hermione shook her head, "No. Let's cast a revealing charm on everyone so we can be seen. So that everyone can see us and maybe it'll put our criminal off coming in. Maybe." She said nervously.
Harry shrugged, "If that's what you think is for the best."

Hermione raised her wand but before she could cast the incantation, a bright light shot out and stunned her. She was encased in total darkness, her ears still rung from whatever spell she'd been hit with. She fought to stay awake, as though to succumb to sleep would be giving up.
She thought of everything she'd survived, she could surely survive this.

Ron and his scandal.

Harry and Ginny ditching her for their happy life.

Ron and Lavender's harsh words.

Her friends all slowly moving on with their lives and leaving her behind.

Draco and Astoria.


She thought of his bright blonde hair and piercing grey eyes.
She always thought his eyes were blue, but upon reflection they had more grey in them, like a stormy sea.

She felt like she was at sea.
Everything was dark.
And she couldn't breath.
She couldn't feel anything.
It was like she'd become a ghost.
But she couldn't be dead.
Could she?
No I'm not dead.
She reassured herself.
I hope Harry and Draco are okay.
Goodness what if Harry doesn't make it home.
Poor Ginny.
I wonder who would care if I was gone.
Maybe mum and dad.
Their memory is so foggy they'd probably forget about me.
I suppose I lived a happy life.
If only....

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