Tyann Kiann

43 6 51

Tyan looked at the garden he had been working on, to help with the heartbreak, his ears flopping against his skull, everything he had gone cause of a stupid decision.
He swallowed heavily, he thought it would last, he thought she was the one... maybe it was all wrong.
Tyan groaned softly leaning against the shed, he should of stayed on Rondal, on that desolate world of sand and heat, it would of saved him this, he put his hands in his hair and sang quietly to himself, the words getting caught in his throat.

"Oh stop sulking," Saylah murmured softly rubbing his head.
Tyan closed his eyes. "I failed her, Mum... I promised I wouldn't and here I am... watching it all burn down..."
"Fight for her," she murmured softly. "Don't stop, she loves you too, I know it."
Tyan looked at her quietly, and Saylah continued. "This is just one of those bumps, right now, you both need each other, you just have to fight ok?"
Tyan nodded slowly and murmured softly. "I will."

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